Figure 1 may offer insight into Israeli aspects of President Trump's attack on Syria. Posted on 4/9/2017.
I have known about this axis term, VLADAMIR PUTIN, for a long time, but as time passes it becomes more obvious as to what the proper key a priori words are to search for. Russian military forces were apparently present at the base where ASSAD launched his POISONOUS attack against the town of IDLIB in Syria. On April 4, 2017 the Jerusalem Post reported on a call by Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett to Prime Minister Netanyahu to bomb the planes that attacked Idlib. Two days later those planes were in fact bombed by U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles. Perhaps the Israelis jammed the Russian missile batteries because not one missile made it into the air. VLADAMIR PUTIN and POISONOUS are at the same skip. At one third that skip and parallel to those terms are FROM ISRAEL, FOR ASSAD, FOR RUSSIA, (Susan) RICE (who claimed all the chemical weapons were out of Syria) and B. OBAMA. FROM ISRAEL might be there if Israelis jammed the Russian radars. Much of this death and destruction is due to the red line drawn but never enforced by B. OBAMA, a Satanic villain encoded with the End of Days. On the bottom line of the matrix is IN THE END. The full text there from Deuteronomy 4:30 is IN THE END OF DAYS. In the open text YOUR ENEMIES is intersected by POISONOUS. They share the letter yud.
Figure 1 - Vladamir Putin is encoded with most of the players that were involved with the April 6, 2017 bombing of Syria after it used poison gas again.
Also in the open text is THEIR ENEMIES and at skip +1 is NO INTELLIGENCE. IDLIB is at skip +3. I looked for our Secretary of Defense, my hero Marine General Mad Dog Mattis, but could only find DOG encoded at skip -1 and MARINE encoded at skip +1. OOH-RA Mad Dog! Now let's kick some Kim Jong Un butt. The microscopic Munchkin KIM, is also on the matrix at skip +1. This attack, carried out while the Chinese President Xi Jinping was visiting President Trump's Florida home, was also designed to send a clear sign that Trump will take out Kim unless China pulls the plug on the little scumbag.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here VLADIMIR PUTIN at its only ELS in wrapped or unwrapped Torah. There were five a priori terms all at the absolute same skip as each other, but only at one third the skip of the axis term, and therefore (while it almost hurt me to do so) I did not treat them as special case skips (which I define as being skips +/-1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). Of these five terms, three were six letters in length - FROM ISRAEL, FOR RUSSIA, and B. OBAMA. Israel is normally easy to find in the open text because it's found 591 times in Torah. Working not with the math for special case skips, but only with the Roffman Skip Formula, FROM ISRAEL was found at an ELS against odds of about 31.2 to 1. FOR RUSSIA was found at an ELS against odds of about 69.8 to 1, and B. OBAMA was found at an ELS against odds of about 21.8 to 1. So these three terms alone were found on the 1,100-letter matrix against odds of about 47,638 to 1 without any special case skip treatment. The two 4-letter terms at the same skip were not so spectacular. One of two spellings for RICE was basically certain to be present. So she was as statistically worthless as her lying word has always been. The other term, FOR ASSAD had about a 40% chance to be found at an ELS somewhere on the matrix. Most other a priori terms except for IN THE END OF DAYS were not very impressive, although the number of such terms was of interest. Putin not only assisted Assad in poisoning so many people, but he has often been accused of poisoning others, like Alexander Litvinenko who was killed with polonium 210, and Vladimir Kara-Murza. The word POISONOUS was at a special case skip against odds of about 3.9 to 1, and it shared the letter yud with YOUR ENEMIES. In Syria there are so many factions fighting each other that you need a score card to keep track of all the enemies. The matrix included both YOUR ENEMIES and THEIR ENEMIES. The odds against finding at least one of them in the open text was about 14 to 1.
In part I am sure that cruise missiles were launched as a warning to Kim Jong Un in North Korea. KIM was found at skip +1 against odds of about 4 to 1. The poor town gassed in Syria, IDLIB, was on the matrix at skip +4 (not a special case skip). It had a 98% chance to be found this way. As for Mad Dog Mattis, DOG was found at a special case skip, but it had a 66% chance to be found this way. MARINE was found at skip +1. It had a 29% chance to be found like this. The odds against finding all these terms together (without IN THE END OF DAYS) were about 142,823,839 to 1.
What about IN THE END OF DAYS? It was found a priori against odds of about 69.8 to 1, which would take combined odds against the whole matrix up to about 9,965,542,928 to 1. HOWEVER, while religious (that is, Orthodox) Jews, Christians and even Muslims agree that we are in the End of Days, we disagree about what that means and it might turn out that all of us are wrong. True, names like Vladimir Putin, B. Obama, and Assad tend to point to our time, but I once published a matrix with this term doubly encoded with Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barak. Arafat is now (thankfully) no longer among us. Even so, common sense would seem to indicate that we can't go on forever with dangerous lunatics in power and using or threatening to use weapons of mass destruction. Here I'll put in my Jewish prayer - but I'll need to qualify it with an explanation of the term as we use it. I hope that we are in the End of Days. But to us this does not mean Armageddon. It means an end of the days when we just have to pray for the Messiah to come. It means that we will be alive when he is here. And how will we know it's him - for real - after thousands of years of false messiahs? He will be the guy who ends war on Earth - listen carefully - PERMANENTLY. Not for 3.5 years like the predicted Antichrist of Christianity. I repeat - PERMANENTLY.
WHAT'S MISSING? In a word - TRUMP. If I expanded the matrix I could show a weak 4-letter transliteration of his name. The normal (best) 5-letter spelling of his name has one relatively rare letter (tet) and one relatively low-frequency letter (qof). But the lack of his name and the encoding of FROM ISRAEL...FOR RUSSIA and FOR ASSAD, coupled with the Israeli request for this strike and the fact that the first foreign thanks came from Prime Minister Netanyahu seems to send a strong message. Million of Jews who died in the Hoiocaust were killed by poison gas. Israel does not want to see anyone killed by poison gas, and every time there is a crisis or a war, the Israeli Government hands out millions of gas masks. Israel was likely a strong planner and participant in this operation. Clearly they had the capability to place spotters on the ground to illuminate targets by lasers if needed, and to help confuse radars on the ground if warnings to Russians to not fire missile defenses were not obeyed. As for sending a message to Kim Jong Un, Israel has more of a need for that than does America, though our security is vital here too. Clearly Iran has a stated goal of destroying Israel. If Kim Jong Un's nuclear and rocket programs are not stopped, thanks for Barack Insane/Hussein Obama, Iran has an extra $151.7 billion to buy nucs from North Korea. Getting the ships with cruise missiles in place for the attack, and ensuring that that attack would take place precisely when President Trump was dining with President Xi Jinping obviously required tremendous planning and coordination. But, while it cannot be proven from the matrix, the matrix does raise one vital question. FROM ISRAEL... For the attack to place at the exact right moment in time, someone on the Syrian side had to order the attack on Idlib at the exact right time. Who gave that order? Was it someone FROM ISRAEL? During the Holocaust there were Jews who begged the United States to bomb the rail lines into Auschwitz, or to bomb the camp itself. Yes, we knew that thousands of Jews might die in the bombings. But we hoped that their sacrifice would save millions of other Jews. This attack may have been designed or instigated by Israeli agents in an effort to save Arabs and Jews. The Syrians went back to bombing Idlib again the day after we hit the base. But they weren't using poison gas to do it. War is hell, and choices of any President are not easy. President Trump has placed his Orthodox Jewish son-law law, Jared Kushner, in charge of all Middle East issues. May God ensure that he guides our President with wisdom.
FIGURE 2 BELOW: The matrix was discussed in my article ARMAGEDDON ASSAD HOLOCAUST on September 4, 2013.
Below: Spreadsheet showing the odds against finding a priori terms on Figure 1; and Figure 2, an earlier find about Assad causing an Armageddon.