We don't need another amoral leader. This matrix was corrected on 2/14/2016.
Bloomberg has one of the better Torah Code matrices seen, but I wouldn't want to see him in the White House.
BLOOMBERG'S VALUES (or lack thereof). Politically, Bloomberg went from Democratic Party to Republican to Independent. That's not necessarily bad, but other than passing laws against extra large size soft drinks and pizzas, he doesn't appear to man of great convictions. On the issue of homosexual marriage, he favored it but beat around the bush asking the city's laws to fight it in court just to get a ruling that showed it was OK. When the lawyers wanted to cite the Book of Genesis (Torah), he disputed the story. “The facts are wrong,” he said. “The brief was only quoting the original law.”
THE ISSUE BLOOMBERG'S RELIGION. Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson made news this year by announcing their opposition to the Muslim religion and their belief that a practicing Muslim isn't qualified to be President. I agree with them. However, as a Modern Orthodox Jew I must also state my opposition to any Jew who wants to run for President who isn't Orthodox. That excludes the Jewish-born Bernie Sanders and it also includes the Reform Jewish Bloomberg. I would support a man like former Senator Joe Lieberman, who was the Democratic candidate for Vice President in 2000. Why? Beside the fact that he supported Republican John McCain for president in 2008, it's really very simple. If you put a non-religious Jew into the presidency then every immoral decision he or she makes will inspire anti-Semites to attack all Jews. Combine a Jew with no Torah/moral values, with a net worth of over forty billion dollars and a desire to limit freedom of all Americans with respect to what they can eat or drink and you have the recipe for a disaster. America will be much better with a Fundamental Christian as its president, or any Christian who shares Biblical values. We don't need another fake Christian/real Muslim for President, and we don't need a Jew who rejects Torah values that the Constitution of the United States is largely founded upon.