How long will Congress put up with treason in the White House? Updated on 6/14/2015.
On August 28, 2014 when the president was asked if he would seek Congressional approval for U.S. attacks on ISIS targets in Syria, he responded, "I don't want to put the cart before the horse. We don’t have a strategy yet." On June 8, 2015 he again admitted that we don’t yet have a complete strategy. While most Americans are dumfounded by these statements, and, of course, his decision to release 5 top Talban terrorists from Guantanamo in exchange for a known deserter (Bergdahl) there really is no mystery here. The President is a traitor who truly hates America, and his strategy is to use the race card to ensure the defeat of the United Stated on all fronts for as long as he is President. Any white president who would have acted as he has acted would long ago have been impeached. But Congress is afraid to go there for fear of race riots and attacks by (other than FoxNews.Com) an all liberal press. This pusillanimous policy of Congress (if continued in conjunction with stopping Iran from acquirng nuclear weapons) may lead to an atomic holocaust. Sadly, it appears that nothing short of an impeachment (and conviction) can save our Republic.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here NO PLAN (at its 21st lowest skip in wrapped Torah). By far the most significant a-priori find was B. OBAMA at skip -1. There is no Obama in Torah at skips +/- 1 with the standard spelling alef vav bet mem hey. This is the only find of his name in Torah with an absolute skip of 1 (-1) with alternate transliteration of alef vav bet mem alef. Before considering ELS rank 21 of the axis term, the chance to find either spelling of his name at a special case skip (+/-1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) on the 360-letter matrix was about 1 in 847 (it actually takes only 176 letters to match NO PLAN with B. OBAMA and odds against this match are 1,732 to 1 before axis term rank consideration). But final odds are decreased by a factor 21 to account for ELS rank 21 of NO PLAN. That's because I failed to find this spelling of his name on 20 matrices with lower skips of the axis term. What else was significant? The idea of sending troops into combat with no plan or strategy against lunatics that will behead or burn alive prisoners is an abomination (Obamaination). So ABOMINATION in the open text is a natural term to seek a priori. It is on the matrix against odds of about 106 to 1. BARACK is at a special case skip, that of B. OBAMA: -1. But Barack is only 3 letters in Hebrew, and the odds against finding it at a special case skip were about 3 to 1. IRAQ and the current Hebrew year (5775) were each almost as easy to find on the matrix as calling a call toss correctly, and SURRENDERER (which shares a letter with NO PLAN) was found against odds of about 7.45 to 1. Overall, after factoring in ELS rank 21 of the axis term, the matrix was found against odds of about 52,946 to 1.