But he would make a good Secretary of Defense. This page updated on 6/11/2015.
While Senator Graham often makes a lot of sense when it comes to national defense issues, on June 4, 2015 he said that if elected, he plans to plunge America into war on two new fronts — Iraq, from which the U.S. withdrew combat troops almost four years ago, and Syria. Asked whether his promise of more war, after the country only recently ended involvement in both Iraq and Afghanistan where wars lasted about a decade, might not resonate with voters who feel “worn out” by war, Graham had a simple response. “Don’t vote for me,” he said.
Graham made the statements, and the bold call for voters to reject him, on the Fox and Friends show. He said, “I’m trying to tell the American people the only way I know to defend this country is to send some of us back to Iraq and eventually to Syria to dig these guys out of the ground, destroy the caliphate, kill as any of them as you can, hold territory and help people over there help themselves.”
In looking at his Torah Code matrix, as of June 8, 2015 it is the least significant matrix found so far for any candidate. There was a 58% chance to find his name in a 782-letter with PRESIDENT and a short version of the Hebrew year of the upcoming 2016 election (5776), and what is worse, I could not find Lindsey Graham, the axis term is only LIND GRAHAM. After watching the Iraqi army run away from ISIS in Ramadi, a call for more troops there is not likely to win an election here. The poor rank of the matrix seems to reflects that. While Graham is likely right about how to win the war, he overlooks that most of the boots he wants to send have already served several tours in the Middle East. The only way to send big numbers back is to reinstitute a draft, and that won't get him elected either. Without a draft we could win by bombing ISIS and Syria back into the Stone Age. Since both are pretty much there now anyway, this really means bomb them without regard to collateral damage. That's how we won World War 2, but so long as this country is controlled by the liberal media, we aren't likely to have a president with the guts to do it.
BOB JINDAL 873 to 1. |
SCOTT WALKER 683 to 1. |
JOHN KASICH 300.87 to 1. |
JEB BUSH 117.7 to 1. |
MIKE HUCKABEE 83.9 to 1. |
MARCO RUBIO 79.9 to 1. |
TED CRUZ 63.8 to 1. |
RICK SANTORUM 39.2 to 1. |
PAUL RYAN 31.08 to 1. |
BEN CARSON 12.86 TO 1. |
C. FIORINA 11.23 to 1. |
CHRIS CHRISTIE 10.35 to 1 |
RAND PAUL 8.61 to 1. |
MITT ROMNEY 6 to 1 |
RICK PERRY 5.3 to 1 |
GEORGE PATAKI 3.93 to 1. |