Romney In 2016? 47% & Those Against Mormons Say No.
Though right about Russia, he would maka a better Secretary of State than President. AS IS SHOWN BELOW, HIS MATRIX FOR 2016 WAS TERRIBLE. HE DECIDED TO NOT RUN. Updated 6/10/2015.
About a year before Mitt Romney won the 2012 Republican nomination I published a matrix that showed he had the best match of his name with the a priori key word PRESIDENT. I found his name in a single column of just 17 letters with the word. This was against odds of about 1,379 to 1. But while he won the nomination and although he was ahead in the polls about a month before the election, unfortunately he couldn't defeat the man who is so heavily encoded (for evil) in the Codes that I have a separate Table of Contents just for him – Barack Hussein Obama. In 2011 and 2012 I just searched for candidates as I did back in 2008 – with one key word only – PRESIDENT. This year I add to the search the Hebrew year of the 2016 election: 5777. When I do this the match between MITT ROMNEY, PRESIDENT and (a short form of) 5777 stinks. It had about 1 chance in 6 to exist which is not significant. Nobody in our Republican family voted for Romney in the primaries in 2012, and, despite my pleading, not everyone in our family voted in the general election is 2012. Romney was too boring, and his health care program was the model for ObamaCare, which is a disaster for most Americans. Obviously Romney’s 47% remark hurt him. But Three million Republicans did not vote. Why? From the e-mails I got after I endorsed him, many stayed home because Romney is a Mormon. As a Jew, this isn't important at all to me. Mormon’s and Christians both accept the New Testament. But to many Christians, Mormonism is a cult. Christians do not accept Joseph Smith or his Book of Mormon, so they stayed home. The Result? Their foolish actions allowed a closet Muslim to hold on to the White House and accelerate his goal of destroying our nation. However I see no reason to believe that Christian attitudes toward Mormonism will change in 2016. I strongly recommend that Romney should do what those 3,000,000 Republicans did – stay home, and jockey for the Secretary of State job.
BOB JINDAL 873 to 1. |
SCOTT WALKER 683 to 1. |
JOHN KASICH 300.87 to 1. |
JEB BUSH 117.7 to 1. |
MIKE HUCKABEE 83.9 to 1. |
MARCO RUBIO 79.9 to 1. |
TED CRUZ 63.8 to 1. |
RICK SANTORUM 39.2 to 1. |
PAUL RYAN 31.08 to 1. |
BEN CARSON 12.86 TO 1. |
C. FIORINA 11.23 to 1. |
CHRIS CHRISTIE 10.35 to 1 |
RAND PAUL 8.61 to 1. |
MITT ROMNEY 6 to 1 |
RICK PERRY 5.3 to 1 |
GEORGE PATAKI 3.93 to 1. |