Obama refuses to meet with Netanyahu again. Updated 1/23/2015.
In Obama’s State of the Union speech on January 20, 2015, Obama threatened to veto any new sanctions against Iran if nuclear negotiations failed, as they have this far. In retaliation, Speaker of the House John Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak before a Joint Session of Congress on February 11, 2015 (but this date was changed a day later to March 3, 2015). On the matrix below the axis term is J. BOEHNER. B. OBAMA is at the same skip. DEFIED is near B. OBAMA and at the same absolute skip, but opposite direction. NETANYAHU is at skip +1. ISRAEL in the open text crosses and shares the letter resh in J. BOEHNER. Finally, it is obvious that neither Boehner nor Netanyahu will listen to Obama. In the open text is (They) WILL NOT LISTEN/HEARKEN TO YOUR VOICE. It is likely that Congress will override Obama’s veto on this issue. The open text thus matches the term DEFIED .
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here J. BOEHNER at its 459th lowest skip in wrapped Torah. My general rule is to not use such a poor ELS rank unless there are at least two a priori key words at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). Here there are three such terms - B. OBAMA at the skip of J. BOEHNER, DEFIED at the same absolute skip, and NETANYAHU at skip +1 (normally the best case scenario for most terms). Without considering the axis term ELS rank, B. OBAMA appears at a special case skip against odds of about 554 to 1 on the full 550-letter matrix. Odds against NETANYAHU appearing at skip +1 are about 35 to 1. Odds against DEFIED at a special case skip are about 15.9 to 1. ISRAEL is on the matrix in the open text, but because the Torah is largely about Israel (which occurs 591 times in Torah) it had a 65% chance to be there on the full matrix, however it directly crosses and shares a letter resh with J. BOEHNER. It only had about a 5% chance to be in a 30-letter box with J. BOEHNER if we overlook the issue of conflicting letters. The real issue here is how to handle the phrase (They) WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOUR VOICE. Although it is obvious that J. BOEHNER and NETANYAHU are defying B. OBAMA on the matter of sanctions against Iran, the open text phrase which implies that was only found a posteriori. By my normal protocol that means that I cannot count it. As such, when I divide combined odds by 459 to account for the axis term, the full matrix is found against odds of about 1,029 to 1. Having given the honest a priori odds, the chances against having (They) WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOUR VOICE and the a priori terms together in 550 letters are about 285,815 to 1.
POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE INVITATION BY BOEHNER - SOME PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS AND OPINIONS. It is obvious that Obama hates Netanyahu and that Boehner and Netanyahu hate Obama. When Obama promised to veto an Iran sanctions bill if it crossed his desk, Boehner, with a pained face, sat right behind him. The next day Boehner got his revenge, not even asking Obama for an opinion about the invitation. Obama has since stated that he will not meet with Netanyahu during his visit. That’s hardly a surprise. Obama left Netanyahu downstairs and unfed on the first Netanyahu visit to the Obama White House. As I noted recently, OBAMA and ANTISEMITIC are encoded at the same skip, which is why he did not go to Paris or allow anyone from his administration to go there. He did not want to be in a synagogue, especially with Netanyahu, when services were held there to honor the Jews murdered at a kosher supermarket (and the others killed a Charlie Hebdo and elsewhere). Obama clearly hates Jews who are religious or who support Israel. He only seems to respond well to self hating or possibly homosexual Jews. OBAMA is also encoded at the same skip as ATOMIC HOLOCAUST. Here are a few links that show why Israel has a right to be concerned about Iran getting the Bomb: