Europe need to wake up and get Islam under control or boot it out. Posted 1/9/2015.
Figure 2 has as its axis term the KOUACHI BROTHERS who are the older men who murdered the first 12 people in PARIS (which is also at an ELS on the matrix). This matrix did not require a second computer pass through Torah to find, but it did require a row split of 2 to portray. There is a good bit of meaningful data in the open text crossing KOUACHI BROTHERS. Up top there is reference to remaining in prison, where Chérif Kouachi was held from January 2008 to October 2009. The brothers shot up an office that served the NEWSPAPER named CHARLIE HEBDO. NEWSPAPER is at an ELS on the matrix. There is a second reference to PRISON. The shooters trained in YEMEN and that there too. THERE THEY BURIED touches PARIS. PARIS is straddled by ISLAM which has 751 no go zones for non Muslims in and about it and in France which has a Muslim population of 4.7 million Muslims. The bulk of them in the no go zones consider themselves loyal to Sharia (Muslim) law but not French Law. Also running between the letters of PARIS is TO ISRAEL. Frankly, this is where French Jews should go. France has allowed too many Trojan Horse Muslims to move in.
As I started to update this article today terrorists took hostages at a Jewish market in Paris. At least four of them there are dead, with four more critically injured. The hostages were taken by two other terrorists who warned that they would kill the hostages if the police killed the Kouachi brothers. It looks like one of the terrorists at the kosher market has been killed, but another (who is a male) has escaped while another (a woman) remains at large after helping to kill an additional policeman yesterday. France is no longer safe for Jews (or for Christians). France has allowed in more Muslims than any other European country. Jews are being told to stay away from synagogues tonight because of continuing safety concerns. France will NEVER be safe so long as it allows Muslims who do not think like Egypt's President El-Sisi to live there in communities that are not bound by French law. While Jews have often been expelled from European countries although we were never violent toward our host nations, obviously too much of Islam is hostile to everyone everywhere, with daily reports from around the world about them even blowing up their own mosques. Western nations would do well to expel anyone in the Muslim faith with questionable ties, if not all of them. As one Italian source put it:
…modern Europeans have become enfeebled by modernism and liberalism, qualities that the Muslim immigrants will have nothing to do with. And if we do not wake up and reinvent the spirit of Palermo, we shall lose our homelands to the Muslims in a few decades from today. What the Muslims failed to achieve on the battlefields of Lepanto and Palermo, they will achieve through lax immigration laws, and the sacrifices of our brave knights at Lepanto and Palermo would ultimately prove to have been in vain.
Further, European nations need to gain control of their borders, and to stop making demands of Israel to give into Muslim terror with respect to its borders. France recently voted in the U.N. Security Council for the withdrawal of Israel from the territory it conquered in 1967. This would require Israel to have a width of 9 miles, and to give up massive parts of Jerusalem, including where the First and Second Temples stood in ancient Jerusalem. Only the United States and Australia voted against the motion, but Obama recenly hinted about reopening our embassy in Tehran (as well as Havana) although for sure he would never approve of moving our embassy (where I once drilled as a U.S. Coast Guard reservist) in Israel from on the beach in Tel Aviv to the capital in Jerusalem.
NOW, A FEW WORDS ABOUT THE STAFF AT CHARLIE HEBDO. ARE THEY REALLY TO BE PRAISED? In a single word - NO! Their foolish actions have gotten a lot of innocent people killed. Further, the images of Mohammed (aside from often being quite vile) also go against the second of the Ten Commandments, the one prohibiting making images of that which is in the heavens or below. While the Ten Commandments are not all binding on non Jews, one of the reporters killed at Charlie Hebdo was a Jew. Normally we do not allow images of Moses to be posted in synagogues, though I left one, a Chabad "synagogue," in Satellite Beach, Florida because of a wall mural in the lobby that included a huge image of the dead Rabbi Schneerson that towered over a nearby miniature baby Moses. I could not convince the "rabbi" as to why the mural was offensive, so I not only had to quit the congregation, but move. This involved a large financial loss, but I felt that it was essential to stand up for proper Jewish values. HOWEVER, the first of the values is the sanctity of life. My "sword" is the pen, the computer, and this Internet site. No Jew has the right to murder people over this Second Commandment. We are civilized. Islam, until it can get control of its madmen (and women), is not. I rarely agree with anything that comes from the Obama Administration. I think Obama is a closet Muslim, a true enemy of Israel, and a likely enemy of the United States too. But I agree with the conclusion made by then White House spokesman Jay Carney on September 19, 2012
Question: The French government has decided to temporarily close their embassies and schools in several Muslim countries after a satirical weekly, Charlie Hebdo, that published cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad. Is the White House concerned that those cartoons might further fan the flames in the region?
Jay Carney: Well, we are aware that a French magazine published cartoons featuring a figure resembling the Prophet Muhammad, and obviously, we have questions about the judgment of publishing something like this. We know that these images will be deeply offensive to many and have the potential to be inflammatory. But we’ve spoken repeatedly about the importance of upholding the freedom of expression that is enshrined in our Constitution.
In other words, we don’t question the right of something like this to be published; we just question the judgment behind the decision to publish it. And I think that that’s our view about the video that was produced in this country and has caused so much offense in the Muslim world.
Too bad we don't have Egypt's President El-Sisi in the White House. He got it right. He said, “I am referring here to the religious clerics. We have to think hard about what we are facing—and I have, in fact, addressed this topic a couple of times before. It’s inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire umma [Islamic world] to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible!”