The continuing Arab murdering of Jews in Jerusalem may bring Feiglin to power as Israel's next prime minister. This page posted on 11/20/2014.
On September 28, 2000 Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon surrounded by hundreds of Israeli riot police, visited the Temple Mount. Sharon was only permitted to enter the compound after the Israeli Interior Minister had received assurances from the Palestinian Authority's security chief that no problems would arise if he made the visit. Shortly after Sharon left the site, angry demonstrations by Arab Jerusalemites outside erupted into rioting which grew into the Second Intifada. The death toll is estimated to be about 3,000 Palestinians and 1,000 Israelis, as well as 64 foreigners.[7][8] On November 2, 2014 one of ten Israeli Knesset Deputy Speakers, Moshe Feiglin visited Temple Mount again. In response, Palestinians began murdering Jew again (ten in November). On the matrix below the axis term is M. FEIGLIN. The last letter (nun) of his name is the first letter of NETANYAHU at skip +1. As will be seen in the write up of his life after the matrix, Feiglin is a major advocate for Jewish rights on Temple Mount. At a 9-letter ELS on this matrix is JEWISH ADVOCATE. Feiglin thinks Israel should throw Palestinians out of Gaza. On the matrix ISRAEL is in seen in the open text, and GAZA is the same skip as M. FEIGLIN . Feiglin wants to be PRIME MINISTER, and the abbreviation for this office is at skip +1. He was born in HAIFA, and this city is at an ELS parallel to his name. The person who requested searching for his name wanted to know if he could be the predicted Messiah Son of Joseph who would come before the Messiah son of David. JOSEPH in the open text shares the letter feh in his name, but there is no Messiah at a special case skip (+/-1 or the absolute skip of the axis term).
Some policies of Moshe Feiglin. Wikipedia indicates that Feiglin is one of ten Deputy Speakers of the Knesset, Knesset Member, and head of the Manhigut Yehudit ("Jewish Leadership") faction of Israel's governing Likud party. Feiglin won a seat in the Israeli Knesset for the first time in elections held January 22, 2013.
He advocates predicating Israeli policy on three principles: Liberty, Jewish Identity and restoring Meaning into Israeli life.[1] He also advocates full Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount and in Jerusalem,[8] revoking the Oslo Accords,[9] Affording the Arabs of the West Bank permanent residency status.[10] and encouraging non-Jews to emigrate.[11] He opposes a two-state solution and advocates that Israel annex the West Bank and Gaza.[12]
On foreign policy, Feiglin is a firm believer in self-reliance, advocating that Israel take care of its security problems alone and not accept foreign aid from the US.[20] Feiglin has twice received 23% of the Likud membership's vote in contests for the party leadership, most recently in the Likud leadership election, 2012. Although they had been political rivals, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appointed Feiglin Deputy Speaker of the Nineteenth Knesset.
In November 1996, Moshe Feiglin established the Manhigut Yehudit movement to foster Jewish leadership for Israel. In 2000, the movement joined Israel's Likud party as a faction dedicated to the same goal. Feiglin declared that he would be a candidate for chairmanship of the party as a springboard for premiership of the State of Israel.
Feiglin's platform states: “We have to internalize that this is our Land – exclusively.... Most important: We must expel the Moslem wakf from the Temple Mount and restore exclusive Israeli sovereignty over this most holy site.”[41] He visited Temple Mount on November 2, 2014. Two weeks later the Muslim’s expressed their outrage at visit by slaughtering four rabbis in a West Jerusalem synagogue and a Druze soldier who tied to save them. Most Druze, though not Jewish, are loyal to Israel. Temple Mount is the most holy site in Judaism. It was the location of two Temples, the first of which was built around 950 BCE. Temple Mount is only considered to be the third holiest site Islam. Their claim to it is only based on an alleged dream by Mohammed that he ascended to heaven from there. It is doubtful that he ever really traveled to the city ( Note: I do not agree with everything in the previous link.
Feiglin has no compassion for Gaza, nor should he. When Gazans learned of the murder of the foyr rabbis, they handed out candy to celebrate - just as Palestinian did when they learned of the attack in the U.S on 9/11/2001. Earlier this year Hamas, with a power center in Gaza, murdered three yeshiva (rabbinical) students in Israel, which set off a war that resulted in death for 71 Israelis, a Thai worker, and over 2,100 residents of Gaza. Palestinian officials estimated on 4 September that, with 17,000 homes destroyed (and as of early August at least 30,000 partially destroyed)[294] by Israeli bombing, the reconstruction would cost $7.8 billion, which is about 3 times Gaza's GDP for 2011.[295][296] Gaza City suffered damage to 20–25% of its housing and Beit Hanoun with 70% of its housing uninhabitable.[245] And yet, Hamas and the Palestinians continue to refuse to learn the lessons of never ending murders. Thus they encourage Israelis to support Feiglin and may help him to eventually come to power as Israel's Prime Minister.
In July 2014, during the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, Feiglin outlined steps toward "achieving quiet in Gaza." His plan included attacking all of Gaza, its infrastructure and military sites, without regard to civilian 'human shields'. After conquering and annexing Gaza into Israel, that portion of Gaza's "enemy population that is innocent of wrong-doing and separated itself from the armed terrorists will be treated in accordance with international law and will be allowed to leave." After becoming part of Israel, Gaza would be repopulated by Jews.[42] He said the civilians of Gaza could go to Sinai and his plan would also "ease the housing crisis in Israel".[43] There were signs that Egyptian President Sisi would support such a plan. He is also fed up with Gaza, and has ordered the destruction of all homes within one kilometer of the Gaza border in an effort to keep Hamas (who also murders Egyptian soldiers) from digging tunnels between Gaza and Egypt.
Feiglin’s peace would include annexing the all post 1967 land currently in Israel's hands and offering financial incentive for Palestinian families in these areas to emigrate to other countries.[47] Feiglin pointed to a poll by An-Najah University in Nablus, which showed that one in three Palestinian Arabs would emigrate to other countries even without a financial incentive,[48][49] as supporting his plan. Feiglin also proposed that Israel actively encourage Israeli-Arabs to emigrate to the Arab world, and provide assistance to any Arab who chooses to do so.
About 20% of Israel's citizens are Israeli Arabs. In a 2004 interview he stated: "Why should non-Jews have a say in the policy of a Jewish state?... For two thousand years, Jews dreamed of a Jewish state, not a democratic state. Democracy should serve the values of the state, not destroy them...."[50]
In his 2005 book "War of Dreams", Feiglin wrote that his program was: "Israeli citizenship to Jews only [and] the immediate expulsion of any person of another people who claims any sort of sovereignty in the Land of Israel."[53] I believe, however, that Druze who have served in the Israeli Army should also be allowed be enjoy full citizenship.
Feiglin's 2013 campaign set forth his legislative agenda regarding Israeli Arabs: "Zero tolerance for Arab citizens' defiance. Feiglin has repeatedly made clear his view that only Jews deserve to be full citizens of Israel. I believe, however, that Druze who have served in the Israeli Army should also be allowed be enjoy full citizenship.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my normal protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here M. FEIGLIN at its lowest skip in wrapped Torah. Feiglin was appointed as a Deputy Speaker in the Knesset by Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the two men share a letter nun. NETANYAHU was found at skip +1 on the full 465-letter matrix against odds of about 41 to 1, but the two men were found together in a 56-letter box against odds of about 340 to 1. What looks to be spectacular, but is not statistically is the 9-letter ELS for JEWISH ADVOCATE. My Skip Tables only go up to terms that are 8 letters long. Why? In 17 years of research, looking at up to 10 matrices per day except for Sabbaths and high Jewish holidays when work is prohibited, I have never seen one single a priori key word (that is, not word not selected first as an axis term) that exceeded 8 letters, and I'm not sure that I ever found one even 8 letters long. So everytime I see some Codes novice (usually Christian with a goal of backing some Christian contenion about the Nazarene) I know that none axis terms over 8 letters were found by snooping, a non-a priori method, and that they are unworthy of a statistical calculation. What I sought a priori here was only the 5-letter term JEWISH. It had about 1 chance in 4.6 to be somewhere on the 465-letter matrix at an ELS. Now, if I was a liar, and I wanted to claim that JEWISH ADVOCATE was found a priori, then I would adjust those odds to one chance in 656. But there are enough people in the world who lie about religious matters. What you get here and at my Mars Correct research site is the truth no matter how unpopular that may make me with people of faith or with NASA. While I am a strong believer in God, I do not need deception to affirm my beliefs. When it comes to research my "bible" is the scientific method. ISRAEL and HAIFA were not statistically significant. GAZA was found at a special case skip against odds of about 28 to 1. Feiglin wants to empty it of Arabs. The abbreviation for PRIME MINISTER at skip +1 was part of the name Abraham (name of the slain Rabbi Goldberg). It was found against odds of about 3.4 to 1. JOSEPH was found in the open text against odds of about 4 to 1. Overall, the 465-letter matrix was found against odds of about 183,357 to 1.
Having given the odds in accordance with my standard protocol, it should be noted that these odds only reflect how I judge my own ability to predict (a priori) what would be found on the matrix. It may well have been God's intention to encode JEWISH ADVOCATE with M. FEIGLIN. Further, a more astitute researcher might have thought of the JEWISH ADVOCATE after reading the Wikipedia article which five times uses the word ADVOCATE in conjunction with Feiglin. If someone had done so in an a priori manner the odds they would be entitled to quote against finding the matrix would be about 26,337,975 to 1. However, as mentioned above, I never found an a priori key word this long in 17 years of research. So having a policy of looking for key words this long is not likely to be very rewarding for most Codes explorers. Expecting to find terms this long is a bit like expecting to win a lotto the first time a person buy a lotto ticket. It's not impossible. It does happen to a few people. But it is a very rare event.