On November 4, 2014 the Republican Party demolished Obama’s Democratic Party, took over the majority of the Senate, increased its majority in the House of Representatives, and won a larger majority of governor seats. It was a profound rejection of the President. The Republicans will have between 52 and 54 of the 100 seats in the Senate in January, 2015. On the matrix below the axis term is IMPEACHMENT OBAMA. At the same absolute skip is EXECUTIVE while ACTION is at skip +1. The next Jewish year (5)776 (Year 2015-2016) is at the same absolute skip as IMPEACHMENT OBAMA. All of this was found a-priori and is thus fair game for a probability calculation. Found a-posteriori by snooping (and therefore not subject to a calculation) and running directly into (5)776 is I DESPISED EVIL, so the full ELS phrase in that column reads I DESPISED EVIL (5)776. As the two TV snapshots to the right if the matrix show, the day after the election Obama was threatening to take Executive Action (ignoring Congress) to permit millions of illegal aliens to stay in (or come to) the U.S, thus the Republicans may be forced to bring impeachment charges if he does. While 52 to 54 Senate seats is not enough to convict Obama, such proceedings may bring out enough evidence to convince moderate Democrats to join in the effort to stop the many criminal actions of this President. If charges are brought, the trial would not be likely to be held before the start of 5776 (Sunday night, September 13, 2015).
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRICES. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here IMPEACHMENT OBAMA at its second lowest skip in wrapped Torah. Before factoring in ELS rank 2 of the axis term, the word EXECUTIVE was found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 513 to 1 (here it was at skip 127,811 while IMPEACHMENT OBAMA was at skip -127,811). ACTION was found at the best case skip of +1, but it was only a 3-letter word. Odds against finding it this way were about 2.3 to 1. For the year I actually searched for two Hebrew years: 5775 (which it is as I write this report) and 5776 which is more likely to be the case if the fight between Republicans and Obama gets that far. The year 5777 will not start until the night of October 2, 2016 - probably too close to the next presidential election to be realistic. I found one of the two years sought at a special case skip (127,811) against odds of about 17 to 1. After combining the significance of these a-priori terms and dividing by 2 due to the axis term ELS rank, the matrix was found against odds of about 10,121 to 1.
APPLICATION OF THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE AS WELL AS AT MARCORRECT.COM. With respect to the 10,121 to 1 odds just quoted, this does not imply a prediction that Obama will be either impeached or convicted by October, 2016. It is just a first reading of the key terms that I sought. So, for example, I did not originally look for UNREALSTIC. The word is at an ELS 6 times in wrapped Torah. In fact, there is no match between it and IMPEACHMENT OBAMA, but if it was there at a match and I didn't look for it, I would have reached in an incorrect conclusion declaring the impeachment a done deal. In fact, after publishing the initial matrix here I decided to look for THREAT. I then found it, again at the absolute skip of IMPEACHMENT OBAMA, however the match (shown on the right side of the figure) requiterd an expansion two columns to the right in able to see it.
If I were working for an America Intelligence agency, I would be paid to and have the time required to perform more extensive searches for key words. However, it generally takes me one to two days to develop a matrix like this, and then I move on the next item of interest in the news cycle, or go back to my research about Mars. As such, I encourage U.S. or NATO Intelligence to hire and train a fluent speaker of Hebrew as agent to do the research required to keep our countries safe.
I am 67 years old, nicely retired, and I have no desire to return to work on a full time basis. However, I would be willing to return to take on an assignment for any project related to sending people to Mars. I know that my research at MarsCorrect.Com is read by American and Russian scientists, as well as by others in universities and scientific establishments around the world. I track who they are and what they read. I would be surprised to see the U.S. offer me such a job because I criticize almost all NASA conclusions about Martian air pressure and weather (see the Report or the PowerPoint with updates available here), and I suspect that they are quite content to leave the truth classified at a level well beyond the Secret security clearance that I held during my military career. I would be willing to help India, any other nation not hostile to the United States, the Mars One project, or any other private efforts to reach Mars. Mars One has had some communications with me about this, but so far I have no offer from them or anyone else.