Israeli politicians have a way of sticking around for a very long time, although being chosen as prime minister does not guarantee serving a full term. Early elections are common, but winning the greatest number of votes does not mean being the new prime minister. The winner has a limited amount of time to put together a coalition government. Sometimes they can’t and then number 2 gets a shot at it. That may happen again. Livni may beat Netanyahu in the election only to find again (as was the case in 2009) that Netanyahu is the prime minister again. On the matrix below the axis term is PRIME MINISTER LIVNI. But she runs smack into NETANYAHU who crosses her name at skip +1 (best case Codes scenario, but worse case for her). BIBI (Netanyahu’s nickname) is at skip +2. Earlier this year she officiated at a homosexual marriage. On the matrix HOMOSEXUAL is at skip -1. Certainly this is what is shown in the open text, an UNSEEMLY THING. For someone who wants to lead God’s Chosen People, it is pure evil. In the open text is THESE SHALL STAND UPON MOUNT EVIL FOR A CURSE. If she gets her way she may well bring a curse upon Israel. It may well inspire all the sons of Ishmael (Arabs) to attack Israel. In the open text we also see HE SHALL BESEIGE YOU IN ALL YOUR GATES THROUGH YOUR LAND.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here PRIME MINISTER LIVNI at its 11th lowest ELS in (unwrapped) Torah. The most significant a priori key word was EVIL in the open text (as part of THESE SHALL STAND UPON MOUNT EVIL FOR A CURSE). Before corrections for the ELS rank of the axis term, the word EVIL was found in the open text against odds of about 147 to 1. The next most significant term was NETANYAHU. His name was found on the full 518-letter matrix against odds of about 37 to 1. However the odds against what we see here, his name crossing PRIME MINISTER LIVNI in a 42-letter box were about 454 to 1 before the correction. If NETANYAHU was the only a priori key word on the matrix, then after the correction for ELS rank 11 we could say that the name was found (by the 11th lowest ELS of PRIME MINISTER LIVNI) in a 42-letter box against odds of about 41 to 1. HOMO (HOMOSEXUAL) was an a priori key word because Livni officiated at a (symbolic) homosexual wedding. In doing so she, in a sense, set herself directly against the Laws of Torah, and STOOD UPON MOUNT EVIL FOR A CURSE. The word was found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 8.6 to 1. Netanyahu's nickname BIBI was not at a special case skip, and its presence was not statistically significant. While a Livni victory would encourage likely the sons of Ishmael to attack Israel, the phrase HE SHALL BESEIGE YOU IN ALL YOUR GATES THROUGH YOUR LAND was only found a posteriori. As such it was not included in the probability calculation. The same is true for UNSEEMLY THING although the phrase (which only occurs twice in Torah) certainly applies to a homosexual marriage. Overall the final odds against this matrix were found to be about 4,390 to 1.