All Duncan carried about was himself, Updated 10/8/2014.
Earlier we found that Ebola is encoded with sequence with Obama and a description of the plague. Thomas Eric Duncan, who apparently lied to authorities in Liberia, and who brought it to the USA where hedied from it; is also encoded. On the matrix below the axis term is TOM DUNCAN. At the same skip as his name is USA. In a single 25-letter column with TOM DUNCAN and sharing the letter alef with his name is EBOLA. In the open text is CONTAMINATED BY A DEAD BODY. Duncan was contaminated in Liberia by a pregnant woman who died from Ebola. Immediately after CONTAMINATED BY A DEAD BODY is the question SO WHY ARE WE KEPT BACK? Duncan’s relatives in Dallas are being legally quarantined in their apartment after they did not comply with a request to stay in the home where Duncan became violently ill. For at least two days the Government didn't even make arrangements to remove contaminated sheets from the apartment where they are being held for an anticipated 3 weeks. A second open text reference to UNCLEAN contamination directly crosses TOM. This second reference is part of the phrase UNCLEAN nor given thereof for the dead. In the open text there is also the SMITE THEM phrase as in Numbers 22:6: curse me this people; for they are too mighty for me; perhaps I shall prevail, that we may smite them.