Sometimes a matrix looks beautiful, sometimes frightening. Normally I do not like to make predictions based on the Torah Code; I just like to show how history has been pre-recorded in the Code. The matrix shown as Figure 1 was found after I received a request in my blog to look at an atomic threat to New York that might result, in part from Obama’s weakness, or immigrants who had vanished from the public radar. Here the axis term is NEW YORK, but only at its 242nd lowest skip in wrapped Torah. ATOMIC is at the same skip as NEW YORK. The only ELS in Torah of B. OBAMA at an absolute skip of 1 (it’s -1) is shown. WAR is the open text. But is the threat real, or simply a nightmare? Touching NEW YORK is BEHOLD THE MASTER OF DREAMS, RUMORS COMES. There was no date found, or nation/terrorist group seen on the matrix.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here NEW YORK at its 242nd lowest skip in wrapped Torah. With a rank this poor, I would not normally publish a matrix based on it, but there are two outstanding a-priori key words - B. OBAMA at skip -1 and ATOMIC at the same skip of NEW YORK. Before downgrading combined odds by a factor of 242 to account for the ELS rank of the axis term, each of the two key words had only about one chance in 335 to be there. WAR was also found in the open text against odds of about 9.1 to 1. Finally, the gentleman who requested the search wanted to know if I could name a street. I couldn't, but sought Time Square because of its central location in Manhattan. I could not find Square, but I did find TIME at a special case (of skip -1) against odds of about 12.9 to 1. Overall this matrix was found against odds of about 58,415 to 1. These odds pertain to the question of a real threat. But the request was about a dream, and DREAMS is also on the matrix. Dream, dreams or dreamer was on the matrix in the open text against odds of about 11.6 to 1. Combined odds for the matrix including this term were about 680,428 to 1, but I think the less significant odds are of more interest, simply because I don't think a dream would be encoded. It would make more sense to encode a specific threat. This matrix looks deliberate, as I said before, like a painting. But it does not yet rise to the level of actionable intelligence because it lacks a time or perpetrator. Dates are rarely encoded in Torah. If they were there on a dependable basis and people acted upon them, the prerecorded history would quickly be destroyed. The Code is, if anything, more about confirming that an Encoder exists than about us altering our fate.