Obama has no strategy against ISIS, but he does have one against Israel. 8/31/2014.
Why did Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu accept a “permanent” ceasefire with Hamas in the 7-week 2014 war when Hamas was still firing 100 missiles a day from Gaza? To understand this you must realize that “armchair generals” discuss strategy, while real generals discuss logistics. As the Germans found out at the Battle of the Bulge, it’s impossible for tanks to advance when they are out of fuel. The Egyptian Third Army was cut off from water in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, so they surrendered. In the last two weeks of the 2014 Gaza War, Israel’s real arch enemy, President Barack Hussein Obama, cut off Israel’s supply of missiles. Instead of having Israel’s back, Obama had a knife in it. And as such, Israel will likely have to fight this war again. In the matrix below the axis term is LOGISTIC. The word ROCKET overlaps 2 letters of it. In the section of the matrix with the blue background the word WITHHOLD is at skip -1. ISRAEL is in the open text. The announced Israeli objective had much to do with concrete tunnels built from Gaza into Israel. Curved concrete bricks lined their tops. On the matrix in the open text is the phrase COME LET US MAKE BRICKS. I did not find tunnels on the matrix, but there was an ELS for CAVE, although it was not at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). On the full matrix we see GAZA, and DESTROYED in the open text, plus the Hebrew year of the war, (5)774, at the absolute skip of the axis term. The Yitzhak Benhorin/Israel News source for this discussion follows the matrix.
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 08.14.14, 08:13 / Israel News
WASHINGTON – The US administration has halted a shipment of Hellfire aerial anti-armor missiles to Israel, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing government sources.
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The sources noted that Israel had requested the transfer of ammunitions directly from the Pentagon, without receiving the approval of the White House or State Department officials.
According to the sources, White House officials were concerned about Israel’s use of artillery, instead of precision-guided munitions in the more densely populated areas in the Gaza Strip.
The Journal reports Israel requested money for more Iron Dome interceptors from the US Defense Department mere days after the ground incursion into Gaza began. While Israeli officials told the Americans Israel had enough interceptors for the current Gaza operation, they said it wanted to replenish its stocks.
According to the Journal, the Obama administration, with Israel’s consent, decided not to seek emergency funding, and instead hold the Congress vote on the $225 million military aid proposal in the fall.
While the White House had no qualms about supplying Israel with the defensive, non-lethal Iron Dome interceptors, the Journal reports Israel took another route to secure $3 million worth of lethal munitions, including 120-mm mortar shells and 40-mm illuminating rounds.
The request, made by Israel’s Defense Ministry to the US military, was approved without needing or seeking the approval of President Obama or Secretary of State John Kerry, officials told the Journal.
The paper describes a long line of battles between the administration of US President Barack Obama and the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, noting relations between the two countries have reached another low point.
Obama and Netanyahu reportedly had a “particularly combative” phone call on Wednesday.
US officials are quoted by the Journal as saying the current Gaza conflict has “persuaded them that Mr. Netanyahu and his national security team are both reckless and untrustworthy.”
Meanwhile Israeli officials view the Obama administration as “weak and naive” and are working to bypass the White House, working with allies in Congress and elsewhere in the US administration instead.
An Israeli official told the newspaper that the rift between Israel and the US has now deepened: “We’ve been there before with a lot of tension with us and Washington. What we have now, on top of that, is mistrust and a collision of different perspectives on the Middle East.”
The Israeli officials told the Journal Netanyahu isn’t worried about the tensions with the Obama administration and that he believes he can simply “wait out” Obama’s term, while relying on the strong support for Israel in Congress until then.
Netanyahu is said to have used his influence in the Pentagon, Congress and lobby groups in Washington to defuse the US administration’s pressure on Israel during the Gaza operation.
American officials note that while Netanyahu told them he was interested in a ceasefire, the two allies clashed over which players would take part and how to go about achieving one.
- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/08/obama-halted-transfer-hellfire-missiles-israel.html/#sthash.PFyNy1dz.dpuf
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here LOGISTIC (at its only ELS in wrapped Torah). A common problem when looking at a matrix is where to draw the line in terms of matrix area. Two possibilities are shown on the figure above. If we just look at the area with a blue background then only what is completely within 210 letters (10 rows by 21 columns) counts. If I want to include the Torah open text referencesto GAZA and the Hebrew year of this latest war, (5)774, then we need to discuss an area of 817 letters. When we use a larger area we degrade the statistical value of what is on the smaller matrix, but pick up the added value of the new terms. Generally I do not use the larger area unless it results in a statistically more significant matrix. The calculations on the spreadsheet below show that this is the case here.
With respect to GAZA, the best case scenario is generally to find it at skip +1. It is at this skip here. GAZA occurs 4 times in Torah at skip +1. Although I will use that (conservative) frequency for this calculation, the find is really twice as good as that because this find is one of only two open text references to Gaza. So, I could argue for a frequency of 2 rather than 4. Taking this approach, GAZA had about 1 chance in 93 to be on the large matrix. On this matrix there is also a question of which technique is best for calculating the significance of ROCKET. It is at a special case skip, the absolute skip of the axis term. Odds against it being at skips +/- 1 or +/- the skip of LOGISTIC would normally be based on a frequency of 41, however in this case the last two letters of the Hebrew word for LOGISTIC (tet yud) are the first two letters of ROCKET. So all I needed to complete the word in sequence (with an overlap) was a letter lamed. Out of the 305,805 letters in Torah, 21,570 are lamed. Since I used a lamed in LOGISTIC, it could be argued that there are 21,569 left, but this is a wrapped matrix (more than one computer pass through Torah) where I might theoretically meet the same lamed again, so I based the frequency on 21,570/305,805. As such there was about one chance in 14 that the word ROCKET would be found this way on the 210-letter matrix. However on the full 817-letter matrix there was one chance 9.6 that a special case skip of ROCKET would be there. I use the lower, more conservative figure for the 817-letter matrix.
On the 210-letter matrix the most significant term was WITHHOLD. It was found only 2 letters above ROCKET, and odds against it being somewhere on that matrix were about 145 to 1.
In looking over the spreadsheets it appears that when using the most conservative methods, the small matrix had about 1 chance in 314,441 to appear based on chance alone, whereas the full 817-letter matrix appeared against odds of about 123,680,588 to 1. Therefore the expansion was justified in order to catch one of two Torah open text references to Gaza, and the Hebrew year of this particular war (This was the third Gaza war in five years).
ON UNDERSTANDING OBAMA AND NETANYAHU. You don't need to look past Prime Minister Netanyahu's first visit to the Barack Hussein Obama-occupied White House to understand the depth of hatred that Obama feels to Netanyahu and Israel. Never before has a man acting as president invited a foreign head of state there without offering to feed him or her. But in Netanyahu's first visit him, Obama refused to do so. In fact, Obama demanded that Netanyahu enter through the back door - like a servant. So when Obama cut the military supply line to Israel at a critical time, it was just the Muslim born president doing what he always does - expressing his hatred of Jews. But hey, he could have done what he did 8 minutes after (without a tie on) discussing the beheading of (Catholic) reporter James Foley - he could have played golf.