The Internet serves both our rebellion against Obama's abuse of power and surveillance of our protests about it. Updated 8/28/2014
The word for COMPUTER is actually the same word as MIND in MIND READER, so I didn't even have to look outside of the axis term to find it. Now, as for my concerns about OBAMA and his threat to control the Internet (as well as current privacy violations rampant on it), a transliteration of his name is in the column to the right of the axis term and at the absolute skip (though opposite direction) of it. BARACK H. at skip -1 goes through MIND READER, and BARACK is found two more times on the matrix at skip -1 including once as part of the the phrase AND PUT AWAY THE EVIL IN YOUR MIDST (the other time his name flows into the first letter of the axis term). Also in the open text is the phrase A TALEBEARER AMONG YOUR PEOPLE. That, of course, is what my concern about the Internet is. Google reports everything we search for to the NSA. Some of us get tax audited by the IRS due to these searches. Hopefully their actions will land them in prison when Congress finishes investigating their abuse of power. Obama wants to transfer control of the Internet to unspecified international interests that are likely hostile to America and or Israel.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here MIND READER at its only ELS in wrapped Torah. The most significant a-priori key word was TALEBEARER. This term was found in the open text against odds of about 185 to 1. Again, it was especially significant because it captured the concern that motivated my search for MIND READER. The issue is not that my computer is an effective servant for me while I conduct my research. It's that it's a spy in my living room that talks to people that I don't want to talk to about political matters, and it does so in a manner than anticipates what I will do (or even think) next. This is a tremendous violation of our privacy.
The next most significant term was the ELS of OBAMA. While I prefer the transliteration of his name most often used in Hebrew newspapers, alef vav bet mem hey, the spelling shown on the matrix (alef vav bet mem alef) also works, though I use the frequency of both spellings to determine significance when I find this spelling. As such, there was about one chance in 111 to find OBAMA at a special case skip (+/-1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) on the full 551-letter matrix. However it only takes 38 letters (2 columns by 19 rows) to show MIND READER and OBAMA. Odds against a match this significant were about 2,005 to 1, but I only use the odds that apply to the full matrix.
Obama's first name and middle initial, BARACK H (for Hussein), cross the axis term at skip -1. Odds against such a special case skip being somewhere on the matrix were about 7.5 to 1. While Democrats (if they read my articles) will disagree with me on this, I see Obama as being the evil in our midst. So I see AND PUT AWAY THE EVIL IN YOUR MIDST as being fair game as an open text a-priori term. The evil in our midst is also the mechanisms in our computer systems that allow for behavior anticipation and reporting to the NSA (National Security Agency). Without allowing any additional statistical weight for BARACK at a special case skip (-1) running through the phrase, the phrase is in the open text exists against odds of about 79 to 1. What about COMPUTER? This fantastic a-priori key word has a statistically fatal flaw by my protocol. It's part of the axis term. I always assign the axis term no statistical significance at all - unless it's extremely long (12 or more letters). This axis term is 9 letters. It's not possible to produce this term without including the word for COMPUTER when the word I type the word MIND in MIND READER. Therefore, as COMPUTER is 100% likely to be there, it has no statistical weight at all. If this word were anywhere else at a special case skip on the matrix, then I could say that such an occurrence would be against odds of about 55.8 to 1. Overall, the full matrix exists against odds of about 12,279,775 to 1. It is thus extremely significant.
For more about the dangers of the Internet, see my matrix with an axis term of DEATH FROM GOOGLE. On a more humorous note, recently I started to write a book about my Mars research. I made the decision to combined 5 years of hard academic research with some words about a UFO encounter that I had 57 years ago on my tenth birthday in 1957. I wanted to show exactly where my bedroom window was when I witnessed the UFO, but the bedroom didn't face the front of my street (which was full of row houses). My bedroom faced an alley between streets behind our home. It didn't matter. I still managed to find the view on-line. You see can see it and read the UFO report here.