The lady with the protest sign on Figure 1 writes, "Excuse me. We need answers for Michael Brown Jr." The answers will be given below. (Updated on 8/18/2014)
On Figure 1 the axis term is FERGUSON, the name of the town where officer Darren Wilson shot and killed an 18-year old black teenager named Mike (or Michael) Brown. This set off at least a week of riots and looting in town. DARREN is encoded at the same absolute skip as FERGUSON. FERGUSON runs into the word RIOT at skip +1. In response to the riots and looting, the local police showed up with military-style equipment, looking like they were ready for a war. On the matrix WAR is in the open text. Many of the people rioting were demanding justice. Crossing FERGUSON in the open text is DECLARE UNTO YOU THE SENTENCE OF JUSTICE. Figure 1 also has ELSs of SHOOTER and MIKE.
On Figure 2 the axis term is MIKE BROWN. (with a shorter spelling for MIKE than used on Figure 1). Two of the relevant Ten Commandments are in the open text - THOU SHALT NOT MURDER and THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. The word ROBBERY is also shown at an ELS. There may be more, but I was just looking for a match of the victim's name with those two Commandments and a word for ROBBERY.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRICES. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to either axis term. On Figure 1 it is the only ELS for FERGUSON. On Figure 2 it is the 13th lowest skip of MIKE BROWN. On Figure 1 the most significant a-priori term was RIOT. It had only 1 chance in 444 to be at skip +1 on the full 686-letter matrix, but it was actually found in a box of only 40 letters with MIKE BROWN. Odds against this were about 7,620 to 1, so it really is a spectacular match. The next most significant term was WAR which was found in the open text against odds of about 12 to 1. DARREN was found at special case (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 9 to 1, and JUSTICE was in the open text against odds of about 5 to 1. SHOOTER and MIKE were not at a special case skip. Both were expected to be at some ELS on a matrix this large. Neither term added any statistically significant value to Figure 1 even though MIKE shared a letter mem with RIOT. Overall, Figure 1 appeared against odds of about 349,388 to 1. Figure 2 was not as significant as Figure 1, in large part because it required the combined significance for a-priori terms to be divided by 13 due to ELS Rank 13 of the axis term. I did not count THOU SHALT NOT MURDER and THOU SHALT NOT STEAL as separate terms because in the two appearances of the Ten Commandments in Torah these two commandments are very close to each other and thus always likely to appear together on a matrix of this size. Overall, Figure 2 appeared against odds of about 111 to 1.
A WORD ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED. The town's residents do not think the fact that Michael Brown conducted a strong arm robbery of a store 15 minutes before being shot is relevant to the shooting because Officer Wilson did not know that Brown was a suspect when Wilson stopped him for jay-walking and blocking traffic. In a near perfect world they would be right. However it is likely that when stopped, Brown would fear that he had been caught for the robbery, and therefore he resisted arrest fearing a prison sentence. This likely contributed to the officer, who was supposedly injured in the encounter, losing his cool and opening fire. Perhaps there was a fight for the officer's weapon, but that is not yet clear. There is a video here that suggests that Brown was in the police car, then got out and ran away. The police claim that Officer Wilson was injured in a scouffle with Brown. All this needs to be investigated further.
The fact that the town showed its true nature by having so many people turn to robbery and looting after the incident does not speak well for it, or for the stress that white officers must encounter when working there. Again, see Genesis 6:11-13 above.
WHY IS ROBBERY SO SERIOUS? Why does the Bible teach that God destroyed most of the world because of robbery? Why do the Ten Commandments and even the Seven Precepts of Noah prohibit theft? In a sense, all laws that pertain to people are interlinked with this law, which is fundamental to civilization. A thief can take more than property. A thief can take someone's life where there is fear of being caught. An adulterer is a thief that takes another person's spouse, and if they infect their lover with AIDS, they can take the lives of both people in the affected household. Someone who covets another person's property may commit theft of it. A thief may kidnap someone. In Iraq today ISIS murders Christians and members of other minorities, then kidnaps the widows and orphans that they have created. They thus steal families and their freedom. And frankly, when white people turn on the news and see blal more than the property taken. They steal the reputation of their race. They make many white people see them as savages, and they promote the possibility of what is in the open text on Figure 1 - WAR - racial war - which will steal more lives. For all the blacks out there that feel uncomfortable with what I have just written, remember that whites in America (along with other races) elected Obama president - twice. There is no job that is out of your reach if you follow the law, but the time for excuses is over. Affirmative action is just another name for theft of opportunities that other races have rights to also, especially when they outscore you on college entrance exams. For those blacks demanding justice - get in line with all whites. Apply for police jobs and remember that justice in this country comes via the actions of courts of law. Justice does not equate with threatening the life of Darren Wilson, or anyone else. It may involve a trial for Wilson, but that trial must not be conducted under threat of more looting or violence if Wilson is exonerated.
If you are black and you want equal rights you have to behave in an equally responsible manner. Black policeman Captain Ron Johnson told you this, but it shouldn't be the case that you will only hear him because he is black. Now that a black American has been elected president, you're task, if black and you want equality, is not about being a better African American, especially if you were not born in or ever visited Africa. It's about being better Americans. That means loyalty to our Constitution and our system of justice, even if imperfect.