November 18, 2012 update. Rockets continued to be fired from Gaza into Tel Aviv and elsewhere in Israel, although so far the Israeli Iron Dome Missile Defense system has been able to shoot them down with an 90% success rate. The Iranian rockets were smuggled into Gaza under the Philadelphi from Egypt. As I wrote earlier, the Philadelphi Route must be retaken to prevent an uninterrupted flow of weapons into Gaza.
Every time fighting breaks out because of missile fire Gaza, Israel is reminded of the tremendous mistake that it made in losing control of the Rafah border crossing area between Egypt and Israel plus Gaza. That area has played an important role in my research because I use it to get to the suspect site for the Ark of the Covenant in the Northern Sinai. But it has become impossible to cross there due to constant fighting between Israel and Hamas, and at times between Hamas and Egypt.
In the latest round of fighting between Israel and Hamas, a top Israeli priority is to again destroy the network of tunnels connecting Gaza with Egypt.These tunnels are used to bring in rockets that Hamas fires into Israel 12,000 since Israel evacuated Israelis from Gaza in 2005).The Gazans also get their food and fuel supplies through these tunnels.
The last time I crossed out of Egypt (2004), there were Israeli Merkava tanks belching black smoke as they chugged back and forth along the Philadelphi Route that separated Egypt from Gaza. But then an agreement was made to turn this route over to Egypt, who immediately failed to get the border security job done. Hamas dug hundreds of tunnels under it, and at one time they knocked down the separation wall and allowed thousands of Palestinians and others (Iranian terrorists) to freely cross. Between December, 2008 and January, 2009, and again now in 2012 Israel attacked Gaza and repeatedly bombed the tunnels. But the real requirement must be for Israel to retake the Philadelphi Route from Egypt. Israel probably needs to build a deep canal along the route – from the Mediterranean to about 6.5 miles inland. They can detonate mines along the bottom from time to time, and let them flood. If the Gazans get tired of food and fuel shortages, they can remove Hamas from power and enjoy the same benefits that Palestinians have in the West Bank. Indeed, they can only earn their sovereignty by choosing responsible leaders who will not lead them into catastrophes as Hamas has done.
On the matrix above, the axis term PHILADELPHI at skip -57,346 intersects ROUTE at skip +1. PHILADELPHI begins its encoding with a verse (Deuteronomy 11:24) that has Moses instruct Israel about its border: TO THE MEDITERRANEAN SHALL BE YOU BORDER.This is what it was in this area before Israel mistakenly handed the route over the Egypt. The word TUNNEL is also on the matrix.