Chickens coming home to roost after 2011 when Obama chickened out of keeping forces in Iraq. 6/15/2014
On the matrix below the axis term is DEFEAT IN IRAQ at its only ELS in (wrapped) Torah. Three times in Torah AL MALAKI is found at skip +1. This matrix shows one of them. Nouri Al-Maliki is the current Prime Minister if Iraq, and a man who appears to be the one who will preside over the defeat of Iraq by the terrorist group known as ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria). This, of course, would represent a huge defeat for the United States which suffered 4,487 killed and 32,223 wounded in Iraq between 2003 and 2012. Normally, as was this case with AL MALAKI, I would almost expect Obama to also be there at a special case skip (+/-1 or the absolute skip of this axis term), since this defeat will likely be due to his decision to pull our forces completely out of Iraq. While I could not find his last name encoded this way, BARACK is on the matrix at skip -1. However, the other American bastion of weakness, Secretary of State John KERRY, is on the matrix this way. In fact, he is not only there – but the last three letters (yud resh kuf) of the ELS for DEFEAT IN IRAQ is, when read in reverse – KERRY. As such KERRY is indeed an integral part of not only the policy for DEFEAT IN IRAQ; his very name is part of that fate! There is also a NOURI on the matrix, but it is not at a special case skip.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here DEFEAT IN IRAQ at its only ELS in (wrapped) Torah. The most extraordinary find is AL-MALIKI at skip +1 which is found at skip +1 on the full 540-letter against odds of about 188 to 1. If we eliminate BARACK at skip -1 and just consider 420 letters needed to show AL-MALIKI and DEFEAT IN IRAQ, then the two terms are found this close to each other against odds of about 242 to 1. BARACK is not that significant a term. Even at a special case skip it had about one chance in two of being on the matrix. The real oddball term is the oddball Secretary of State, KERRY. The odds that I show against his name being there at a special case skip on the full 540-letter matrix are about 3 to 1, and not much more significant on the 420-letter matrix without BARACK. Overall odds against the full matrix were about 1,314 to 1. However, this places no emphasis at all on the fact that KERRY is part of the 9-letter axis term DEFEAT IN IRAQ. I only noticed this on my computer screen after I sought KERRY at special case skips +/-1 and +/- 19775.
My response to seeing KERRY there is, of course, to completely agree with Senator John McCain's advice to President Obama on June 12, 2014. He said, “Everybody in his national security team, including the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ought to be replaced.” Surely Kerry is part of that team, but it isn't the team alone or just Kerry that needs to go. Impeachment of the President is in order, but it would not be proper for McCain to bring it up initially in the Senate. In fact, it's the job of the House of Representatives to impeach the President, and then it’s up to the Senate to conduct the trial. That, of course, will never happen unless the Republicans achieve a majority in the November 3, 2014 election.