Good riddance to a man who lied maliciously for Obama. 6/2/2014
A few hours after President Obama accepted the resignation of Veterans Affair Secretary Eric Shinseki due to a massive corruption scandal in the V.A., his White House Press Secretary Jay Carney also resigned. On the matrix below the axis term is JAY CARNEY. It only takes a box 72 letters to in area to pair him with B. OBAMA at the only ELS in the Torah of this name at an absolute skip of 1. If the box is expanded to 153 letters we see the most significant part of the definition in Torah (Deuteronomy 18:22) of a lying false prophet cross his name in the open text - THE PROPHET SPOKE MALICIOUSLY/PRESUMPTUOUSLY. In listening to Carney over the past three+ years, I would rate him as a man who lies continuously, and who often has a smirk on his face when he does so. A few of his lies are mentioned after the matrix.
1. In May, 2014 when it emerged that deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes had written an email directing Susan Rice to emphasize the YouTube video story during her Sunday news show appearances, Carney told the press corps the Rhodes email “was explicitly not about Benghazi.”
2) In mid-May 2014, Carney announced that the American Legion had praised the Department of Veterans Affairs for the "resignation" of top VA health official Dr. Robert Petzel. The actual American Legion statement was, "the move by VA is not a corrective action, but a continuation of business as usual. Dr. Petzel was already scheduled to retire this year, so his resignation now really won’t make that much of a difference.”
3) At the White House press briefing on November 28, 2012 Carney said, “Those [Benghazi] talking points originated from the intelligence community. They reflect the IC’s best assessments of what they thought had happened. But six months later, in May 2013, ABC News reported the edits included requests from the State Department that references to the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Sharia be deleted, as well references to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack.
4) In April 2012, Carney said the President had never argued the so-called Buffett Rule would solve the country’s deficit problems. Perhaps he didn't remember when the Buffett Rule was first introduced in September 2011: President Obama claimed the tax would “stabilize our debt and deficits for the next decade.”
5) October 2013 saw millions losing their healthcare plans thanks to Obamacare. On October 31st, after weeks of the news reporting horror stories of people losing their insurance, Jay Carney was still hanging on: “The fact of the matter is, if you had insurance on the individual market prior to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, and you have that plan today, you can keep it, you’re grandfathered in forever. No matter how crummy the plan is.”
6) Jay Carney repeated over and over that the IRS scandal was limited to a few rogue employees in Cincinnati. He even fought with Joe Scarborough about it. That was false.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here JAY CARNEY at its 14th lowest skip in (wrapped) Torah with four spellings allowed for JAY CARNEY. For JAY CARNEY I usd transliterations of gimel yud yud (shown on the matrix) and gimel alef yud (which can also be prounced as "gay." For the first letter of CARNEY I searched for the two letters in Hebrew that have the same sound - kaf and kuf. This is like in English. My wife's name is Kathy, but she often has people ask her if she spells it that way or as Cathy. For Obama the name is so easy to find at an ELS that I don't generally publish a matrix with it unless the name is at the same skip as the axis term, or at skip -1 as it it here. Even allowing for two transliterations, with last letters of hey or alef, the name only occurs at skip -1 once in Torah, and never at skip +1. B. OBAMA, shown on the matrix at skip -1, also occurs once in Torah at skip -78,923 the absolute skip (but opposite direction) of JAY CARNEY. As for the section of Deuteronomy shown, the reference to a prophet speaking presumptiously (lies) was a-priori for me because it is rare that I think anything said by this Administration is true - be it about the V.A., the I.R.S., Benghazi, Fast and Furious, their original positon about homosexual marriage, or, for that matter, Obama's place of birth. So Carney, as I see it, has been Liar in Chief.
There was one chance in 2,117 that B. OBAMA would be at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absoute skip of the axis term) so close to JAY CARNEY (in 72 letters) before factoring in the ELS rank of the axis term, and one chance in 1,992 that the segment of Deuteronomy shown would be on the full 153-letter matrix. After factoring in ELS rank 14 of the axis term, the matrix exists against odds of about 141,850 to 1.