HIs appearance so fast is an abuse of power. Updated 8/25/2014
The U.S. Attorney General was sent by President Obama to Ferguson, Missouri to help ensure the prosecution of police officer Darren Wilson. Wilson shot Michael Brown after a physical struggle with the 18-year old, 300 pound, 6 foot four inch youth. It is reported that during the fight Wilson suffered broken bones around his eye. On the matrix below the axis term is ERIC HOLDER. At the same skip, but opposite direction, are OBAMA, DARREN and BROWN. One open text CURSED is found sharing the first letter with ERIC HOLDER. On the same line is also CURSED BE HE WHO PERVERTS JUSTICE TO THE STRANGER. It seems like many people, from Obama down through Holder and Missouri Governor Nixon are ready to pervert justice and find Wilson guilty before he can stand trial. Also shown in the open text is DO NOT STAND A SINGLE WITNESS AGAINST ANY MAN FOR A SIN OR ANY ERROR AND FOR ANY SIN OR ERROR WHICH HE WILL SIN. BY THE MOUTH OF TWO WITNESSES (the verse in question, Deuteronomy 19:15) continues or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. Much of the original testimony against Wilson was by one witness, Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown when he robbed a store 15 minutes before the shooting. Johnson has changed his story more than once. He previously served jail time for lying to a police officer about his name and age, and there was an active warrant for his arrest for not showing up in court on charges that he stole a backpack.
WHY I SOUGHT DEUTERONOMY 19:15 AND DEUTERONOMY 16:19. I sought and found Deuteronomy 19:15, but I also sought Deuteronomy 16:19. Why did I look for these two specific verses in the cross text? Both verses are the section of Torah known as Shoftim which translates as Judges. This portion of Jewish Law teaches us how judges and courts are required to operate to reach fair and impartial verdicts. Deuteronomy 19:15 points out the importance of multiple witnesses (especially on cases that involve capital punishment). There are a lot of blacks who have called for a 1st degree murder charge to be brought against Wilson. I noticed that on news coverage of the case on August 20, 2014 there was no reference to fractures on Wilson’s face that were received during his attempt to arrest Brown. The one original witness that got everyone most upset has serious problems with respect to credibility. He presented a picture of Brown running away and getting shot in the back, but all Brown’s bullet wounds were in the front.
As for Deuteronomy 16:19 which was not found, it includes the phase “you shall not respect someone’s presence.” This means that if the accused or accuser is someone like the President or Attorney General, or if they try to exert pressure to make the court rule as they want it to rule, a fair trial requires those passing judgment to ignore their status. It is not permitted to be in favor of or against them because of their position. The ruling must be based on the evidence alone. In following the news coverage of this case it seems like the black community and some politicians who want their votes wanted to keep the video of Michael Brown robbing a store off the air. We have heard about, but still not seen the proof of Officer Wilson’s facial injuries. Both items are absolute germane to determining what Wilson was confronting at the time of the shooting. Anyone trying to keep a court from seeing such evidence is also trying to keep Wilson from getting a fair trial. It is not normal for a U.S. Attorney General to get personally involved in a shooting case so early. That he, and his boss, President Obama, are rushing to get involved may be perceived as an attempt to use their high system for their own racial motives. Is there a time that Holder might not be out of line in intervening? Of course, but that would be after the full facts were released to the public, a grand jury or trial was held, and the ruling was not in line with what all the evidence showed. The general news reports indicate that the Grand Jury will not likely release their findings until October 2014. So as I write this, on August 20, 2014, Eric Holder appears to be way out of line in getting involved now. The message that he seems to be putting out is not that there will be a fair trial, but that blacks don’t need to riot because he is black and he will make sure that there will be a conviction.
Although not black, Missouri Governor Nixon (a Democrat) seemed to issue a clear statement that he will not permit a fair trial when he said, “"a vigorous prosecution must now be pursued." He went on to say "We have a responsibility to come together, and do everything we can to achieve justice for [Brown's] family." Nixon added that McCulloch and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder had an obligation "to achieve justice in the shooting death of Michael Brown must be carried out thoroughly, promptly, and correctly." The black vote may be especially important for Nixon because he has been named as a potential (or Vice Preidential) candidate for President in 2016.
In response to Nixon, Missouri Lt. Governor Peter Kinder told fox News "It's really heartbreaking to see a man elected to an office that high in our state government ... come out with a statement like that, that does prejudge the case." It would be wrong for a prosecutor to say what the governor has said here tonight and it's wrong for the governor of Missouri to have said it." Kinder is a Republican. I agree with Kinder, but what is really wrong is for politicians to be more concerned about votes than justice.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here ERIC HOLDER (at its third lowest skip in wrapped Torah). By far the most significant a-priori find was Deuteronomy 19:15. Before considering ELS rank 3 of the axis term, the chance to find either this verse or Deuteronomy 16:19 on the matrix was about 1 in 135. The next most significant term was OBAMA. While I prefer the transliteration of his name most often used in Hebrew newspapers, alef vav bet mem hey, the spelling shown on the matrix (alef vav bet mem alef) also works, though I use the frequency of both spellings to determine significance when I find this spelling. As such, there was about one chance in 39 to find OBAMA at a special case skip (+/-1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) on the full 1,134-letter matrix. However it only takes 180 letters (10 columns by 18 rows) to show ERIC HOLDER and OBAMA. Odds against a match this significant were about 242 to 1, but I only use the odds that apply to the full matrix. DARREN was at a special case skip against odds of about 6 to 1. BROWN was at a special case skip (I used the Hebrew word for the color brown rather than a transliteration of his name), but the 3-letter name/color was more likely to be present at such a skip than calling a coin toss correctly. Overall, after cutting combined significance by a factor of 3 because ERIC HOLDER is only at ELS rank 3 here, the matrix was found against odds of about 79,504 to 1.