The people of Ukraine (at least the Catholics of Ukraine) want closer ties to Western Europe. The Government of Ukraine sold out to Russia. In protest, those who want to align with Europe seized Government buildings and held peaceful protests. There were press releases about them evacuating the buildings in exchange for no charges against them. However the talks broke down and now at least 67 (on both sides) are dead as the Government opened fire on protesters who returned fire. On Figure 1 below the axis term is UKRAINE. It runs directly into and shares a letter alef with IT AND ALL ITS PEOPLE TO BATTLE in the open text. At the same absolute skip, but opposite direction, as UKRAINE is OBAMA DISTRIBUTIONS. OBAMA was found a-priori, DISTRIBUTIONS was only noticed a-posteriori via snooping. A transliteration of AND RUSSIA is at the same skip as OBAMA DISTRIBUTIONS. SANCTION at skip -2 shares a letter lamed with DISTRIBUTIONS. Finally RIOTS is also at an ELS; as is COMMENTS. Obama had official comments about the situation today – all (boilerplate) standard words that are put out routinely for all nasty situations.
UPDATE of 3/4/2014: We now see that the Government of Ukraine was overthown by the people and that Russian troops invaded Ukraine. On March 4th Russia test fired an intercontental ballistic missile while Secretary of State Kerry was visiting Kiev. This was seen as a warning to the U.S. As will be shown in an upcoming update to this article, ROCKET is at the same skip as UKRAINE one column to the right and three to five rows down.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRICES. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, on Figure 1 above the 10th lowest skip forUKRAINE and on Figure 2 after the spreadsheet below, the 8th lowest skip of UKRAINE. Both matrices are based on wrapped Torah where the computer makes more than one pass through the 304,805 letters of Torah.
On Figure 1 the a-priori key words used to calculate statistical significance are OBAMA, RUSSIA, RIOTS, COMMENTS, SANCTION, and BATTLE (war). OBAMA was found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 165 to 1. For RUSSIA that was also true, but it should be noted that this transliteration of RUSSIA does not use the standard Hebrew samech for the S sound. Rather it uses a shin. Modern Hebrew tends to use a samech for the S in names and a tet for T when it is used, but these letters are relatively rare in Torah, so I often search for both when trying to see what is encoded. The Torah was not written in Modern Hebrew, and even today spellings for street names in Israel can vary from block to block. In the Torah the letter S is seen as a samech 1,833 times, but we see shin/sin there 15,559 times - almost 8.5 times more. We find the letter tet 1,804 times but tav 17,950 times - about 9.95 times more than tet. Using this substitution (and wrapped matrices) allowed the Author of the Torah Code to encode far more material than what can be found with Modern Hebrew and only one computer pass through the Torah.
On Figure 1 An ELS of RIOTS was found against odds of about 50 to 1. TO BATTLE (war) was found against odds of about 14 to 1. SANCTION was not significant and was almost guaranteed to be somewhere on the matrix. COMMENTS was also easier to find than calling a coin toss correctly. The word DISTRIBUTIONS that follows OBAMA may refer to financial aid or DISTRIBUTIONS that go from the U.S. to Ukraine ($810,700,000 in 2011), but this is not close to the $15 billion that Russia promised the Ukraine when President Viktor Yanukovych sold out his homeland to Vladimir Putin of Russia. However the word was not found a-priori so I do not calculate odds for it. Overall after factoring in ELS rank 10 for Ukraine, the Figure 1 was found against odds of about 35,741,126 to 1. This figure factors in structure with special case skips, but not terms sought and not found. Of note on 2/26/2014 - Putin pulled his promise for financial aid when the pro-Moscow government fell. Ukraine is in a dire financial crisis without this aid - it needs an estimated $35 billion in aid to make it through the next 2 years. As for Figure 2, the primary a-priori term was RIOTS. What I found here was the only ELS of that word in Torah at skip +1, which I rate as the best case scenario. If this matrix was based on the lowest skip for UKRAINE the match in 240 letters would exist against odds of 1,270 to 1. However for the final odds combined I divide by 8 to account for ELS rank 8 for UKRAINE. The word BLOOD is only two letters in Hebrew. For such a short word I alter my usually alter my normal protocol and use the English in the King James Version on my CodeFinder software to determine frequency of the word in the open text. There are 165 references to blood in the Torah. So it has about 1 chance in 8 to be on the matrix. Overall the matrix exists against odds of about 3,476 to 1.