On January 3, 2014 a report appeared in a Singapore newspaper, THE STRAIGHTS TIMES Asia Report, that alleged that when North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un had his uncle Jang Song Thaek executed on December 12, 2013, it was by a method known as “quan jue.” This means his uncle was stripped naked, thrown in a cage with 5 of his closest aids, and eaten alive by 120 dogs that had been starved for three days. On the matrix below the axis term is JANG, but this 5-letter name is shorter than axis terms that I generally allow. However Jang's last name, THAEK, is at the same skip. There were two a-priori phrases that I sought as absolute matrix requirement for obvious reasons. The first one from Exodus 11:7 was (minus NO immediately before) DOG WILL WET HIS TONGUE AGAINST MAN. The second phrase from Genesis 37:33 was AN EVIL BEAST HAD DEVOURED HIM. The dictator's name, KIM, is at skip +1. A word for the victim's state at execution, NAKED, is also at skip +1. In addition, at ELS were a-priori words EXECUTE, RIVAL, REPORT, and a transliteration of KOREA. The story was later denied, perhaps indicating that the fuller phrase should have been used for Exodus 11:7: NO DOG WILL WET HIS TONGUE AGAINST MAN. In support of this, the word RIFLE is at the same skip as JANG directly under NO DOG WILL WET HIS TONGUE.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here JANG at its 208th lowest ELS in wrapped Torah. Normally an ELS rank that high would not be considered by me, but here what I sought in conjunction with it (along with a requirement for no row split for the axis term) were two phrases in Torah that refered to being eaten alive and being eaten by dogs. Each one of these phrases only had about 1 chance in 338 to appear on a matrix this size, so having even one of them present was more than enough to compensate for the high ELS rank of the axis term. Odds against having a term for NAKED at skip +1 were about 7.5 to 1. Odds against having a term for THAEK at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) were about 4.8 to 1. Odds against having KIM at skip +1 were about 4.5 to 1. RIVAL turned out to be not significant at all. This was also true for REPORT. One of two transliterations for KOREA appeared against odds of about 3.5 to 1. An ELS of EXECUTE was present against odds of about 2 to 1. However, the catch is that I initially disgarded the word NO before DOG WILL WET HIS TONGUE AGAINST MAN when the later news reports indicate that I should not have. In fact, the word RIFLE appears at a special case against odds of about 8.4 to 1. After downgrading the combined significance by a factor of 208 to account for ELS rank 208 of JANG, the matrix was extremely significant, existing against odds of about 4,997,276 to 1. As for the political significance of the event depicted, the initial report was that senior officials joined the insane dictator to watch the dogs eat every bit of flesh on the five men. Terror on this scale would likely discourage any further attempt at a political coup. But even if the execution were by a more merciful means, like by rifles in a firing squad, the message would still be the same. All Western leaders would still be well advised to never underestimate the insanity of Kim Jung Un. In fact, a well planned pre-emptive regime changing military first strike would seen to be totally justified long before they are able to place nuclear warheads on ICBMs pointed at America.