On November 7, 2013, President Obama apologized to the nation after it became apparent that not only was the ObamaCare website a total failure, but 5 million Americans had lost the healthcare plans (and/or, their jobs) because of his healthcare plan (see map at the end). On the matrix below the axis term is YOUR PLAN. If you are sick and need hospitalization or care, you want to keep your plan which may well be the only way to keep your life. In the open text and sharing the last letter with YOUR PLAN is TO KEEP THE WAY TO THE TREE OF LIFE. Two rows above this in the open text is PRESIDENT. On the next line up is BARACK at skip -1. An apology by President Barack Obama is not enough. Many people may die because he destroyed their healthcare plan. There is only one answer for his plan, and that is on the same line as BARACK and in the open text: KILL IT (the plan; that is). Sharing a letter with KILL IT is SICK. All this can be seen in a matrix that is only 286 letters in area. I looked for LIAR but to show it required an expansion of the matrix to 533 letters. While shown in the area with a blue background, LIAR is not shown at a special case skip. As a general rule an expansion this large just to show one such term is not statistically justified.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. This discussion only concerns the area shown in the matrix with a white background. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here YOUR PLAN at its only ELS in wrapped Torah. Odds against having TO KEEP in the open text on the matrix were about 36 to 1. Again, the promise was to keep your plan. The plan is for those who are sick. Always my preference is for longer words. A 5-letter word for SICK appears on the matrix against odds of about 43 to 1. Of course the difference between having health insurance and not having it (now as a result of ObamaCare) can be the difference between life and death. The word LIFE is in the open text against odds of almost 34 to 1. The man who (through gross incompetence) has killed health insurance is President Barack Hussein Obama. The word PRESIDENT is on the matrix in the open text against odds of about 16 to 1. However while Obama is usually a pretty easy name to find on a Torah Code matrix, to show it here would require an expansion that is more than I am willing to make, especially because the closest Obama is not at a special case skip (+/-1 or the skip of the axis term). However BARACK does appear at a special case skip: -1. The odds against this name appearing at such a skip in the 286 letters being evaluated are about 3.8 to 1, although the odds against it appearing so close to the axis term were more like 9.9 to 1.
So what should Obama do about the plan if he is merely incompetent but not deliberately out to destroy America? A lot more than apologize. Nobody can pay a large hospital bill with an apology. At a minimum to needs to cave into Republican demands from before the recent Government shutdown over this insanity. It needs to postpone the forced implementation of the plan for at least a full year. However, even that is insane. His plan will never be financially stable, it has left millions of Americans with it coverage and it has forced employers to reduce workers hours from 40 to 29 hours so they have no responsibility to provide health coverage. The only sane response to this disaster is to KILL IT. And this solution appears on the matrix in the open text against odds of about 267 to 1.
Be offering combined significance I must offer a caveat. The combined odds are for what was found. But terms were sought a-priori and not found, Among these were Obama, Hussein, Insurance, Health and liar on the 286-letter matrix. So without considering these shortcomings, odds against finding the terms shown in the area with the white background were about 858,646,332 to 1. However, we cannot simply overlook what was sought and not found. At best I can say this about the matrix that it appears to be highly significant with a strong recommendation to remove ObamaCare from American law as fast as possible.
ONE OTHER SOLUTION: IMPEACHMENT. As with any White House scandal, the main issue is always, “Who knew what and when did they know it?” So far this question has failed to bring down Obama over the Benghazi incident. Nor has Obama's possible birth in Kenya, nor has his Solyndra deal as discussed in conjunction him back in 2011. And it is very hard to see how any move to impeach Obama could get past a Harry Reid and a Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate. However, for the record if we require the same axis term as shown on Figure 1 (YOUR PLAN) and TO KEEP, then we can place one of three Torah occurrences of IMPEACHMENT at skip +1 with these terms in a matrix that is 390 letters in size 26 rows, 15 columns). This match occurs against odds of about 261 to 1. The match is shown left of the map on Figure 2. If we expand that matrix up by two rows, the 28 row, 15 column (420-letter) matrix also includes THE PRESIDENT. Odds against both IMPEACHMENT and THE PRESIDENT being this close to both YOUR PLAN) and TO KEEP were about 25,253 to 1.