The vote tonight may seal the fate strongly encoded in Torah. (10/16/2013 with update on 11/3/2013)
I started writing this article on October 16, 2013, less than 12 hours before the U.S. would go into default on its loans unless Congress and our President got their act together. Even before this decision, our Government has been closed for 16 days causing great hardship to millions of Americans and other people around the world. Now as I write a bit later in the day it's obvious that the corrupt politicians posing as political leaders in both parties decided yet again to “kick the can down the road.” They opted for another short term fix with more debt. Where will this take us? On the matrix below the axis term is END OF AMERICA. In the column just left of it is THE DEBTOR. It takes only 20 letters to show these two terms. When the matrix is expanded to 481 letters we find an ELS of our main creditor, CHINA, plus BUSH at skip +1 and BARACK at skip -1. Both horrible presidents have led us to the brink of extinction as a nation, although I am convinced that with Bush the issue was lack of intelligence while with Obama it is intent.
Click HERE to see the debt clock which really shows how fast our nation is bleeding to death. At the instant on October 16, 2013 that I first posted the link our advertised debt (not the much larger unfunded liability debt) was $16,963,822,159,340. This worked out to be $53,530 per citizen (including every baby) and, more realistically, $148,133 per actual tax payer. You can buy a very nice house now in the coastal area of Central Florida (Cape Canaveral) where I live now, so that is like asking every single tax payer in the nation to go buy the Government a house because they are too immature to balance the budget.
DEBT UPDATE OF NOVEMBER 3, 2013: Only 18 days after posted the above debt of $16,963,822,159,340, the debt had grown to over $17,128,623,000,000, an increase of $164,800,840,660. This was, of course, after Congress increased the debt limit. Meanwhile it appears that ObamaCare is a total failure. This President seems hell-bent on destroying our nation.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here END OF AMERICA at its only ELS in wrapped Torah. Before discussing the overall significance of the matrix let's just focus on the odds to have THE DEBTOR in 20 letters with END OF AMERICA. This is a bit tricky. If we do not consider the issue of conflicting letters that are found in END OF AMERICA, and of we only consider the spelling shown for THE DEBTOR, then the odds against having these two terms so close together would be about 1,089 to 1. However, of the 20 letters in this tiny box, eight of the letters are END OF AMERICA and none of them are found in THE DEBTOR, so in reality we only have 12 letters left to find this spelling for THE DEBTOR. There is another synonym on the CodeFinder dictionary with five letters (spelled hey chet yud yud bet). If I include its frequency plus the frequency of the term found in accordance with my skip formula, then the odds against finding one of these two terms in the 20 letters is still about 802 to 1. And this still does not include the issue of conflicting letters (which only becomes an issue in such a small matrix). The second spelling will not permit an ELS of THE DEBTOR in the column with END OF AMERICA. This means that the match is much more significant than just indicated, because any ELS of THE DEBTOR must be in the 10 letters of the column without END OF AMERICA. So this match is a bingo for the Codes, and reveals an enormous concern that we should have about our future.
What about the full 481-letter matrix? While my regular readers know that I am no fan of President Obama, there is actually a more significant match with BUSH than BARACK, and no ELS of OBAMA on the matrix. In fact, the ELS of BUSH at skip +1 (the best case scenario) exists against odds of about 19.7 to 1, whereas the ELS of BARACK at a special case skip (-1), but not at the base case skip, only had odds against it of about 2.5 to 1. CHINA was on the matrix, but not at a special case skip, but odds against it were about 7 to 1. So, if deliberately encoded, why might BUSH be more significant than BARACK or CHINA? The answer is to be found in the simple fact that he took us into a war with Iraq, and he gave us a tax rebate when he did it. At the time of the rebate I was on active duty, making well over $100,000 per year. I could afford the taxes that I was paying and I didn't mind paying them because I knew that war is expensive and I knew that other people who were payng them were helping to pay my high salary. I guess I could have mailed the rebate check back, but I knew at the same time that the U.S. had set out on a journey that would eventually destroy us economically, and as such I thought it best just to accept the direct deposit to my bank account.
I never liked President George W. Bush. In fact, I never trusted him largely based on the smirk on his face. In 2000 I registered as a Republican for the primaries, just to vote against Bush and for Senator John McCain (who received the Republican nomination for President in 2008). But by 2012 McCain had lost all of his principles and seemed to only exist for the purposes of being a cheerleader for Obama. Under Bush our national debt increased by 38%, and under Obama it went up another 57%. Yes, Obama's record on the debt was worse than Bush's record, but Bush set the precedent of putting a war on the national credit card.
Our Government is broken. Who's to blame? I could point the finger to all the voters who voted for Obama, or who stayed home because they were more worried about Romney being a Mormon, people who thought that was a bigger concern than Obama being a closet Communist or Muslim. But in the end it's not just national stupidity that has gotten us here. It's permitting a system that damn near requires a congressman to focus on immediately raising money for his or her reelection two years later as soon as their victory in an election is assured. We need to amend our Constitution, to set reasonable term limits. We need to take the election of our leaders out of the hands of big oil and other financial powers, and put it back the hands of a hopefully more educated American electorate, one that can see beyondf news networks that controlled by ultraliberal forces who could less about our Constitution than their ratings. If we can't do this, then it is only a matter of time before the prediction on this matrix comes true. Frankly I think it's too late to stop whatis predicted here, but I sure hope I am wrong. Maybe if enough people wake to when they see how ObamaCare has swindled them, there might still be some hope at the polls, but even then with no fix to the system, we are likely to have similar results.
As for the overall statistical significance of the 481-letter matrix, based on the calculations below, I see it as existing against odds of about 9,574 to 1.