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HOW TO BEST USE THE CODE. When I first heard about the Boston Marathon bombing I published a matrix about my suspicion that North Korea was behind it. While that still might be true (see the photo after the spreadsheet below), we now know that the two known culprits were Russians. When I published the matrix about North Korea I repeatedly pointed out that combined statistical significance of the terms was not appropriate because we had no confirmation that they were the right terms to seek. That's not true below where the axis term is the same BOSTON RACE as was shown before, but now the a-priori terms are TSARNAEV, MURDERER, and RUSSIAN. Also found on the matrix a-posteriori was EVIL IN THE SIGHT OF GOD. The Code might best be used in conjunction with FBI computers for screening of multiple suspect names.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here BOSTON RACE at its lowest skip. There were three a-priori terms. They were TSARNAEV, MURDERER, and RUSSIAN. The a-posteriori term EVIL IN THE SIGHT OF GOD is not subject to statistical analaysis. TSARNAEV was found at an ELS (parallel to the axis term) against odds of about 51 to 1. MURDERER at a special case skip (+/1 or the skip of the axis term) was also found against odds of about 51 to 1. RUSSIAN was found at an ELS against odds of about 3 to 1. The combined a-priori terms occurred on this matrix against odds of about 8,487 to 1.
THE POSSIBILITY THAT THESE TWO WERE RECRUITED BY NORTH KOREA. The bomb plot seemed to be well planned. What was not well planned, at least on the surface, was the get away. Why did these two need to rob a convenience store after the bombing? Could it be that partners let them down? Were the two bombers recruited by North Korea to act on the 101st birthday of the founding communist of North Korea - Kim Il-Sung? The entire crisis with North Korea seemed to fade simultaneously with the bombing - and the younger Tsarnaev brother is shown below with two people wearing similar white hats - with at least one appearing to be Asian. This appears to be after the bombing.