What is needed is not abundant kindness, but swifter justice for these murderers. (4/14/2013)
On April 14, 2013 an article appeared in FoxNew.Com about prisoners and guards clashing at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp where the U.S. holds Al-Qaida war prisoners captured overseas. The camp was set up by President Bush in January 2002, and ordered closed by Obama in 2009, however his promise and executive order were never carried out. On the matrix below the axis term is a transliteration of GUANTANAMO. At the same skip are THE PROMISE and BUSH. LIAR is at skip -2. B. OBAMA is at skip -1. WAR is in the open text. A transliteration of CUBA is parallel to GUANTANAMO, THE PROMISE and BUSH. In the open text is a reference to Joseph’s time in prison with the words IMPRISONED THERE.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here GUANTANAMO at its second lowest skip in wrapped Torah. By far the most significant a-priori key term was B. OBAMA which appeared at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 434 to 1 before factoring in the ELS rank of the axis term. The next most significant term was THE PROMISE, also at a special case skip against odds of about 36 to 1. The odds against finding IMPRISONED or PRISON on the matrix in the open text were about 34 to 1. IMPRISONED is the term shown here. If I had shown the 18 letters to the right of the line with IMPRISONED then I could have included the words for PRISON. WAR is on the matrix in the open text against odds of about 12 to 1. These are all the significant a-priori terms shown. Three terms were not statistically significant. Although BUSH is at the absolute skip of the axis term, it had a better than even chance to appear at a special case skip on a matrix this large. There were two spellings checked for CUBA. One of them was almost certain to be here. Finally LIAR was also almost certain to be on the matrix. Overall, after cutting the combined significance by 2 to account for ELS rank 2 for the axis term, the combined matrix exists against odds of about 6,751,098 to 1. It thus appears to be a highly significant prediction of Guantanamo Bay Prison and the promise of Obama to close it despite the crimes of the war prisoners held there and the danger that they might pose to America if all brought here, or if released by a weak American President Obama. In fact, of those prisoners released from Guantanamo so far, many have returned to terrorism, but the exact number of subject to dispute in an article that appears on WikiPedia.