This bad boy needs a spanking. Posted 3/29/2013, graphics improved 5/2/2017.
Kim Jung-Un is the insane midget who leads North Korea. On the matrix below the axis term is JONG UN. KIM requires a skip of 3 to see. B. OBAMA is at the same absolute skip as JONG UN. THREAT is also at the same skip as JONG UN. MIDGET is at skip +1 two rows under THREAT. In the open text is THE SWORD WITHIN, TERROR ALSO. Clearly North Korea supports terrorism. On March 7, 2013 Kim Jong-Un threatened to launch a nuclear attack on the U.S. Another video put out by North Korea shows Obama in nuclear flames. The phrase HE SHALL SURELY DIE is on the matrix, closer to Obama than Jong-Un. However it does not cross his name directly. The phrase may be more in reference to the threat by Kim Jong-Un than anything predictive of his success. Whatever the case, clearly the midget running North Korea is suffering from a denial of reality and an inferiority complex that makes him dangerous. Elsewhere in the Torah Code we have seen that Obama is encoded at the same skip as Atomic Holocaust.
I asked my wife, a Korean convert to Orthodox Judaism, to translate the poor quality video showing Obama burning in nuclear flames. Roughly what it says is that for 70 years the pressure applied by the U.S. on North Korea made North Korea stronger. They believe everything we have ever said about them is lip service, we don’t communicate with them, and this has caused them to achieve nuclear tests which they think are necessary to make North Korea secure and independent. They think everyone is only looking at the U.S. because North Korea’s nuclear progress is only due to the U.S. being at fault. It is important to understand that the Lilliputian people at the head of the North Korean Government do not understand anything but their own, sick warped kind of logic. If they thought like us they would understand the meaning of the photo shown with the matrix that shows almost no lights on at night in North Korea. They would understand that they are starving their people. But they don't want to feed their people. They just want everyone else to starve when farmland around the world is contaminated by nuclear fallout. The B-2 bombers that flew over Korea this week and the B-52s earlier did not achieve their purpose. Instead, they only served to make North Korea more paranoid. However, they might be less paranoid and more realistic if Obama and South Korea had reacted with military force when a North Korean submarine sand at outh Korean warship (the Cheonan) in 2010. Instead our weak president allowed the North to get away with the attack. See the matrix and the accompanying discussion of the incident HERE. I also have a matrix and article about North Korea's attack on the South Korean village of Yeonpyeong HERE.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here JONG-UN at its 4th lowest skip in wrapped Torah. KIM had almost a 94% chance to be somewhere on the matrix. B. OBAMA appeared on the matrix at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip if the axis term) against odds of about 392 to 1. THREAT is also at the same skip as JONG UN, appearing at a special case skip against odds of about 2.6 to 1. MIDGET is at skip +1 (best case scenario) against odds of about 49 to 1. TERROR appears at skip + against odds of about 8 to 1. The phrase HE SHALL SURELY DIE was not found a-priori, and it does not tell us who died or will die, so it is not assigned any statistical significance. After factoring in the ELS Rank of JONG-UN, the matrix is evaluated as existing against odds of about 112,193 to 1.