TSA - Dumb, Dumber, and Dumberest! (3/14/2013)
John Pistole is the Administrator of the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and former Deputy Director of the FBI. He failed to notice that box cutter knives were the weapon of choice on 911 to bring down 4 airliners, two World Trade Center buildings and part of the Pentagon. Now he wants knives back on passenger planes so Al Qaida can finish the job of destroying us. On the matrix below the axis term is JOHN PISTOLE. On the line below his name, he is touched by Deuteronomy 32:25 which reads, “On the outside, the SWORD will bereave; while indoors there will be TERROR; slaying even a young man, even a virgin, a suckling with the gray-haired man.” At an ELS on the matrix are FOOLISH and ENEMY. Only an ENEMY of the United States or a FOOL would argue that knives are safe on planes again. They may be one day, but not before the Messiah arrives.