Morgan worships a god of abomination. (12/27/2012)
Atheistic CNN host Piers Morgan said he believes the Bible and the U.S. Constitution are “inherently flawed” and asserted that it’s time for the Bible’s position on gay rights to be amended. You can read the story and the relevant part of his show HERE. What he fails to comprehend is that when people rewrite the Bible to be politically expedient, they create their own new god. This is idolatry. People may have the right to reject the Bible, but they don't have the right to rewrite it. On the matrix below the axis term is PIERS MORGAN. ANNOUNCER is at the same skip. ATHEIST is at an ELS. In the open text we find He shall be unclean, he is unclean. The word for unclean (impure) is often used in Torah in conjunction with sexual uncleanliness. Likewise, the matrix has He that touches the flesh of one with (a sperm) discharge shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean (impure). Note that the word He here conjures up the image of a man coming in contact with another man's sperm. Morgan wants a Bible that backs gay marriage. In the open text is Do not make marriages with them.