Let's not let Obama and Rice play the race card to cover up their Benghazi lies and incompetence. (11/28/2012)
When Al Qaida attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya on 9-11-2012, and murdered four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens, we had a drone overhead and we knew right away that it was a terrorist attack. But five days later Obama had our U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice go on television networks and lie to the American public, claiming that the attack was due to a cheap video about Mohammed (listen to her lie HERE). On the matrix below, the axis term is BENGHASI (Benghazi). A search on-line indicated that the town name could be transliterated with an S or Z before the last letter. RICE appears at skip +4, sharing a letter samech (S) with BENGHASI. On the same line with her name is AMBASSADOR at skip -1. Obama wants to nominate her as the next Secretary of State. She is now giving testimony to Congress about what happened in Benghazi. In the open text touching her name is THE TESTIMONY. Should Congress believe her? In the open text, running through Benghazi is "All that goes out of her lips, her vows, and the obligation of herself shall not stand."
It is most annoying to see how our politicians, and in particular Democratic politicians, have handled the investigation of what happened in Benghazi and why Susan Rice, under orders of Obama, chose to go on TV and lie during a heated Presidential campaign to cover up the fact that Al-Qaida was still alive and a major threat. But more annoying was the speech made by Representative Marcia Fudge who represents the 11th Congressional District in Ohio. She is also Incoming Congressional Black Caucus Chairman (I've got to wonder what would blacks say if there was a White Caucus). Fudge chose to play the sexist and racist card to defend Rice. She is a metaphor for what has happened to America since the first election of Barack Hussein Obama. Nobody can criticize him or use his middle name) without being called a racist. Indeed, I often find a blog written by someone who calls me a racist (even a Nazi) because I oppose Obama’s socialist/communist homosexual agenda. I have stayed away from the race issue on this site until now. But since Congresswoman Fudge wants to play the race card, I will throw it back in her face. I ask a single question. Are blacks now able to see anything other than Obama’s skin color when considering a vast array of problems facing our nation, or are they as a group (admittedly, a very racist concept) totally brainwashed into thinking that nothing else matters? Do they care about national defense? Do they care about our economy? What about basic and Biblical morality? The Space Program? Education? Disaster response? Corruption? Crime? Or any other issue? The question itself is by all standards that I’ve ever held – a racist one. But what is the truth? Consider how blacks voted in Philadelphia for President this year.
As Philly.Com indicates, in 59 Philadelphia precincts that are almost entirely black the vote there were 19,605 votes for Obama, and 0 for Romney. Unemployment is higher among blacks than whites, and it has gone up, not down, during Obama’s first four years. CNN Money reported on July 6, 2012 that the national unemployment rate for African-Americans was 14.4% compared to 7.4% for whites. What was the rate of unemployment for blacks before Obama? The answer is 11.9%.
Some black preachers have come on TV to say that Church-going blacks should oppose Obama for his stance gay marriage. But whatever issues there are out there that affect blacks, in Philadelphia none of them trumped Obama’s color in those 59 precincts. Perhaps the growing sense among whites is that blacks don’t care about America, they only care about revenge. Maybe this is why nearly a million Americans signed petitions at the White House calling for secession of their states from the union.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term (here BENGHASI). This is only the 147th lowest ELS of the term when two transliterations are used as was indicated in the first paragraph of this article. Normally I would not use such a poor ELS rank, especially for an axis term that's only 6 letters long. But this was one of the best matches between the town name and RICE, and it had her title AMBASSADOR at skip -1 on the same line as her name at skip +4. She was delivering TESTIMONY to Congress over her remarks about Benghasi, and THE TESTIMONY touched BENGHASI. These terms I could calculate probabilities for, but as Congress decides what to do about her, what was not found a-priori seemed most astounding. While I will not offer a probability for it because it was found without a prior notion to look for it, the suggested decision for Congress is clearly there: All that goes out of her lips, her vows, and the obligation of herself shall not stand. Rice lied to our nation to get Obama elected, and to receive in return an offer for a fantastic job - Secretary of State. Overlooking this statement, the matrix does not have a particularly high statistical value because of the poor ELS rank of the axis term. RICE, THE TESTIMONY, AMBASSADOR and were found this close to BENGHASI against odds of about 99 to 1. But this matrix again reminds us that often what is most important on a matrix is beyond the ability of statistics to analyze simply because we did not know what was in the Mind of the Author when he put His Torah together.