My brother-in-law was always a man who loved his country, and who, like me, loved to serve in our military. He was over 14 years into his Air Force career as a flight mechanic when one of two chronic health problems caught up with him. He was overweight, and despite heroic efforts, he couldn't meet the physical standards of the Air Force. As such, while serving at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, he was forced off active duty. There was a severance package that helped to pay for a down payment for a house located about a mile from the base, but the release from active duty was extremely hard on him. To protect his privacy, I will just tell that his last name was MATTHEWS and I’ll call him that or my brother in this story. He is on the matrix below, as is TAMPA, but the axis term on the matrix below is an angelic DOCTOR by the name of JOSEPH MASESSA. He’s a dermatologist, and a great PILOT. He owns the AIRPLANE shown below the matrix. The doctor and MATTHEWS came to meet when the doctor flew into MacDill. Although my brother was forced from active duty, he continued to work at the base, doing the same job, but as a civilian with lower pay, and he had no health care.
My brother had serveral serious health care problems that went unattended over the decade or so after he was forced off active duty, but he was addicted to the Air Force, and to his job. Many times I tried to convince him to try to find employment with an airline that offered health insurance, but he wouldn't consider it. About three years ago I noticed a growth on his face, and suspected that it was cancer. He was, due to his job, in the open air with the hot rays of the Florida sun shining on his face for many hours every day. I asked him to see a doctor, but he said couldn't afford it. On the matrix in the open text is Did not know that shined the skin of his face. Then one day Dr. Masessa flew into MacDill. MATTHEWS took care of the doctor's plane. But before he did the doctor noticed the growth on my brother's face. The doc told my brother that he wanted him to come to his office, and if necessary, have an operation for free to fix his problem. It was cancer, but the doctor had caught it in time.
DOCTOR JOSEPH MASESSA also has a love of the Air Force, and of his country. He feels that we don't take good enough care of our military personnel and veterans, and he felt that he was his (and my) brother's keeper. The doctor believes that if he wouldn't be part of the solution, he'd be part of the problem. And so he procured use of a South Florida hospital, an operating room, a surgical team, and he fixed the problem that he could see. My brother was cured at that illness, but alas he suddenly passed away from an unrelated health problem. I met Dr. Masessa at the funeral, where he was doing all in his power to help my sister-in-law through her grief.
Dr. Masessa is an extremely great aviator who regularly performs at air shows. I have an ancient pilot's license, so perhaps I'll give into his pressure and go fly with him. More likely, my wife and I will see him for dermatologist purposes. If you're looking for a terrific doctor who genually cares about people more than money, his web site is He has offices in Florida and New Jersey. The doctor's flying performances are linked to the Valiant Air Command Warbird Museum & TICO Air Show.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As is my standard protocol, no significance is assigned to the axis term, here JOSEPH MASESSA. Spelling for JOSEPH is the same as in the Torah. The transliteration of MASESSA lacks a letter at the end for the A, however in Hebrew (especially in Torah) vowels are often not written as letters, but are given as marks above, below or after a letter. These marks are not used in the Torah, or in modern Israeli newspapers like HaAretz. The vowel mark that would be implied is a patach, which is a horizontal line that would go under the final letter sin. The most significant a-priori term isTHE SKIN OF HIS FACE. Doctor Manessa became my brother's friend when he noticed THE SKIN OF HIS FACE. The term is on the matrix in the open text against odds of 210 to 1. The next most significant term is MERCY/CHARITY. It's on the full 726-letter matrix against odds of about 8.6 to 1, however the term crosses, shares a letter mem with, and is centered on MASESSA. It only takes 64 letters to show MERCY/ CHARITY with JOSEPH MASESSA. A match of this quality, which primarily describes the character of the doctor, occurs here against odds of 833 to 1. The next most significant term is PILOT. It's on the full matrix against odds of about 11 to 1. When not soothing my sister-in-law, the doctor was showing off photos of his aircraft the way most parents show off pictures of their newborn baby. This man is as dedicated to flying as I was when I took flight training in the Navy. In fact, my first car back in college was almost totally covered with FLY NAVY stickers - and no, though it seems almost as long ago, I didn't fly pterodactyls (but there were also Robert Kennedy for President stickers on the car too). The other a-priori key terms were MATTHEWS, AIRPLANE, DOCTOR, and TAMPA. There are several transliterations pssible for MATTHEWS. This one appears against odds of about 2 to 1 on the full 726-letter matrix, though it does cross and share a letter samech with JOSEPH MASESSA, it only takes 81 letters to show JOSEPH MASESSA with MERCY/CHARITY and MATTHEWS. The word DOCTOR was expected to be on the full matrix, and so was TAMPA. Overall, the full matrix exists against odds of about 976,957 to 1. It is thus judged to be highly significant, and reassuring in that it shows you don't have to be overly famous to be portayed so well in the Torah Code. You just have to be what we call a mensch in Yiddish, even if your aren't a Jew. If you don't know what that means, check Wikipedia.