Chipping away at our privacy and our freedom. (9/30/2012)
I recently received a question from one of my readers about the possibility that President Obama would, if re-elected, ask U.S. military forces to have identity chips imbedded in their skin. Before examining the matrix below, let me state that in attempting to look for any possible relationship in the Code, because Obama is such a high frequency term, I will only accept his name when it appears at skip +/-1 or at the same skip as the axis term, here IDENTITY CHIP. On the matrix below both IDENTITY CHIP and OBAMA are at skip, -27,042, however this match does not occur until the 10th lowest ELS of the axis term. The reader's concern was that eventually all Americans (and in the end all of humanity) would be forced to have such a chip inserted into their flesh, thus making it easier for the leader of a world government to control all people. In the open text on this matrix is ALL FLESH HAD CORRUPTED THEIR WAY UPON THE EARTH (Genesis 6:12).
It's one thing to force motorists to buy a toll pass/transponder to pay tolls on major highways, to force them off the roads if they don't want to inform the Government every time they go to or from work, or anywhere else. In Florida there are many expressways that won't let people on or off without the pass. But it's another matter to not let anyone live anywhere in the nation without a chip under their skin to track them. True, the concept makes it easier to have medics at an accident scene get access to critical medical records. And it would help in the war against terrorism - but the cost to our freedom would be much too high. Frankly, if Obama or anyone else were to try to force this on the American people, I would expect it to lead to a violent revolution.
Perhaps as a warning, I noticed that in looking through the first 10 ELSs of IDENTITY CHIP, without the need for any row split, there were 7 matches with ALL FLESH in the open text. They are shown on Table 1 below. Of those 7 matches, the average number of letters required to place IDENTITY CHIP with ALL FLESH was about 319 letters. The phrase ALL FLESH occurs 28 times in the open text of Torah. With 304,805 letters in Torah, for each of the 10 matrices described below, we would expect ALL FLESH to occur about once in 34 times. The odds against ALL FLESH being found in at least 7 out of the 10th lowest ELSs of IDENTITY CHIP were about 473,000,000 to 1, however it was not a-priori to check for this frequency before commencing the experiment. As for Figure 1 above, the odds against having OBAMA at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) and either ALL FLESH or all skin (not found in Torah) at skip +1 (best case scenario) were about 1,840 to 1. This is shown on the spreadsheet below.
BRIEF DISCUSSION OF THE MEANING OF THE MATRIX. My initial inclination was to do what I have done before with the same requested study - ignore it, largely on the basis that the request was based on material in the Book of Revelation, which not part of Jewish (and therefore my) accepted canon. However, I have been so annoyed by the requirement to put a transponder in my car in order to use the Florida Turnpike in South Miami, and to simply take certain expressway exits in Central Florida, that I finally decided to take a peak to see if there was anything in the Torah Code about having us all implanted some day. Frankly, before looking at the math, I'd expect Obama to be encoded at a special case skip with identity chip at its minimum ELS, not its 10th shortest skip if Obama is to be the man to carry out this policy. However, even with the 10th shortest ELS, the odds against having him here this way would be the 711 to 1 shown on the spreadsheet divided by 10, which is 71.1 to 1. Then we have to combine those odds with the mention of all flesh.
The general trend, even before Obama, is to do away with our privacy. Toward this end, every time we do a search on the Internet, we aid that process. But we have the right to not use the Internet (though it gets harder to avoid every day). I have over 500 articles out there, and a lot of it is in the Government's face, but it's a risk that I choose to take. I also choose to be armed in case the day ever comes that someone wants to come after me for what I publish. As I write this I see that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula has been arrested and thrown in jail with no bail available. He is the man who produced the film Innocence of Muslims that was used by Muslims worldwide as an excuse to riot and murder unrelated people. So much for our freedom of speech under Obama.
NANOTECHNOLOGY. My wife and I were injected with flu vaccine today. In the past some people have worried that this is an easy way to implant the general population without their knowledge. As my wife lost the right middle lobe of her lung 3 years ago, and as her health has been somewhat precarious since then, we took the gamble that it's better to decrease our odds of getting the flu than to worry that the vaccine at the CVS pharmacy was tainted in this fashion. But this does not mean that we don't think about the risk. There is a fascinating article about injection of nano-microchips at here. One extract of the article includes the following:
The development of nano-microchips are a major thrust of governments and pharmaceutical industries who want the ultimate power and leverage over global populations for more profit and more control.
In December 2000, Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD stated that it is technically possible for every newborn to be injected with a microchip, which could then function to identify the person for the rest of his or her life. Such plans are secretly being discussed in the U.S. without any public airing of the privacy issues involved.
There are several links to videos on the above article. At least one on brain chipping was removed for multiple copyright infringements, something that seems to happen all too often when there is cause to worry about the actions of our Government in tracking us.
SUICIDE JUST WITNESSED. As I was sitting here writing this article about too much surveillance on Friday afternoon, September 28, 2012, I witnessed a suicide as it happened live on Fox News. Fox News is almost always on here when it's not the Sabbath or a major Jewish holiday. The TV program was tracking a carjacking in progress for at least a half hour, with speeds over 110 miles per hour. A helicopter stayed with the speeder as he headed west from Phoenix, Arizona on Interstate 10. When it became clear that the driver could not escape surveillance, he turned off Interstate 10 and onto a dirt road, then off the road. The host, Shepard Smith, stated that he was very worried when the driver got out of his car. He looked up at the helicopter, and then he began to run, tripping at first, then running again. There was supposed to be a 5-second delay on the broadcast, but something went wrong. The man put his hand to his head, and he then blew his brains out. A link to the video is here, but be warned that it is hard to watch. I assume that he was a criminal who knew he was going to jail for a long time, perhaps forever. Shepard Smith apologized to his audience for broadcasting it. But clearly we live in a world where more and more, you can run, but not hide. As a Jew, I don't accept the Book of Revelations. But that doesn'tt mean that its author was wrong about everything. We have a president who intimidates the Supreme Court, and who rams through legislation that the nation opposes, especially with respect to health care. Health care, as mentioned earlier, could be used as an excuse to chip us all. But with all the Americans who support Obama, maybe a lot of us have already been chipped.
4159 | 7 | 28 | 196 |
-8045 | 12 | 17 | 204 |
9640 | 18 | 21 | 378 |
12483 | 41 | 20 | 820 |
19052 | 5 | 14 | 70 |
-20685 | 17 | 28 | 476 |
-27042 | 8 | 11 | 88 |