Anti-God, Anti-Jerusalem, Anti-Israel Democratic Convention Shines a Light On Obama's True Nature. (9/6/2012)
On September 6, 2012, Larry Taylor forwarded a message from Dee Rohee about a cancelled Sean Hannity special on FOX News that would have detailed the link between Obama and Islam. The video link is here, but watch it quickly. It may be pulled. In response to the film, I sought a very long 11-letter ELS, Obama from Islam. With the standard spelling for Islam (alef yud samech lamed mem), it wasn’t there. But Hebrew has two letters that are used for S. When shin/sin was substituted for samech, the phrase was found. However, when I looked up the new spelling on Google Translate, it was there, but Google rendered it Convert to Islam. Therefore the 11-letter axis term says OBAMA FROM CONVERT TO ISLAM. Starting at the last letter of ISLAM is KING OF SODOM, a title quite appropriate for a President who has officially endorsed gay marriage. KENYA, the home of his probable father, is at the same absolute skip as OBAMA FROM CONVERT TO ISLAM. Finally, like most American presidents, Obama is a tall guy (6’1"). In the Torah, Anakim were giants. Running into OBAMA FROM CONVERT TO ISLAM in the open text is SONS OF THE ANAKIM. Wikipedia states that in the 28 presidential elections between 1790 and 2011, 18 of the winning candidates have been taller than their opponents, while 8 have been shorter, and 2 have been of the same height. Mitt Romney is one inch taller than Obama.
ON THE SUBJECT OF OBAMA’S BACKING OF SODOMY (Gay Marriage). Twice in the past month there arose a question of how a straight parent should respond if they learn that their child is a homosexual. The first question was hypothetical, but last night I met a neighbor who was in that situation. As such, she was adamant about backing Obama because of his stance on gay marriage. I told her that there were many legitimate reasons that one could back Obama, but despite her personal involvement, gay marriage should not be among them. When we vote for President, we vote for someone who can trigger or prevent a nuclear war, or any other type of war. We vote for someone who can save or wreck our economy, our healthcare, or our retirements. These are all serious matters. But when it comes to redefining marriage, the Government has no business getting involved. As I told both people (who want to amend the Bible) when we start rewriting Scripture to align with the politically correct concepts of the day, then the Scripture is no longer Scripture. Nor is the god that it describes, God. When people demand their god to conform to their standards, they are creating a god with their own hands. There is a single word that describes this - idolatry.
I sure wish that I were perfect when it comes to following Torah Law. Sadly, like everyone else, I'm not. But once a year from Rosh HaShana through Yom Kippur we Jews confess our sins to God (in fact, we even confess sins that we didn't commit). We ask God to forgive us, and to grant us life, health, and prosperty in the new year. We do not ask Him to alter His Law. And so goes my advice to people like my neighbor. Ask your son to study the Torah, confess His sins and ask God for the inner strength to control desires that are outside of God's wishes, but do not accept the behavior as OK, nor believe that Obama has the ability or the right to give us a new morality.
ON THE SUBJECT OF JERUSALEM AS THE UNDIVIDED CAPITAL OF ISRAEL. The Democratic platform this year removed words about God and Jerusalem. It seems obvious that the initial exclusion was an attempt by Obama to undercut Israel at a time that it and Iran are measuring up U.S. support for a war targeting Iran's nuclear weapons program. Then we are told that Obama asked to have the words of support put back in, but not until after Israel had been humiliated. As you can see and hear on this link, what followed was a vote by a largely empty convention hall, with a few loud Arabs (and probably a number of homosexuals) in which (some believe reminiscent of Peter denying his friend three times before the cock crowed) the vote was required three times because there was either no clear winner or because the vote went against the President's new operating instructions.
This incident should have clear implications for Jewish voters (but I think most will miss them). Not only did a questionable audience have to vote on an issue that at least half opposed, with the Arabs against Israel, and the gays against God; but the fact that so much of the convention was absent for this important vote made it appear that most Democrats no longer care about God, Israel, or Jerusalem. This is another way to give Iran a green light to complete its nuclear bomb program.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE MATRIX. Obama is an exceedingly high frequency, low significance term except when, as an a-priori key word, it appears in a relatively small matrix (under 500 letters in area) at a special case skip (+/-1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). Because it is so easy to find it is also easy to pair with up to 5 letters to make up a 10-letter axis term. When the axis term grows larger than this size, then and only then do I look at a statistical indication of how likely the axis term itself is to appear at an ELS in Torah. So it was that I wrote of R values elsewhere on this site in reference to a 12-letter axis term, FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA. On the matrix above, the 11-letter axis term OBAMA FROM CONVERT TO ISLAM also merits at least a quick look at R values. The more positive they are, the more significant they are.
-3 | 1,000 |
-2 | 100 |
-1 | 10 |
-0.301 | 2 |
0 | 1 |
+0.301 | 0.5 |
+1 | 0.1 |
+1.171 | 0.06856 OBAMA FROM CONVERT TO ISLAM |
+2 | 0.01 |
+3 | 0.001 |
+4 | 0.0001 |
+5 | 0.00001 |
+6 | 0.000001 (one in a million) |