Question: When is finding the name of a tropical storm or hurricane on a matrix a few days before the exact date that it will cause the delay of a Republican Presidential Nominating Convention not exciting, but only a consolation prize? Answer: on a matrix 1,760 letters in area when the name of the storm is Isaac, or for that matter Israel, Abraham, Jacob, or Moses. At skip +1, ISAAC (on the matrix) occurs 101 times in Torah, Israel is there 591 times, Jacob appears 212 times, and Abraham appears 151 times. Moses is at skip +1 some 736 times, however the short 3-letter name often appears only as a result of combinations of words. In the King James Version, Moses appears in English in the Torah only 648 times. The matrix found below has as its axis term 9 ELUL 5772 (August 26-27, 2012). Three of its a-priori key words are at skip +1: CONVENTION, STORM, and ISAAC; plus we find a transliteration of TAMPA at the skip of the axis term. There is also an ELS of ROMNEY at skip +2, but it's a short (4-letter) less preferred transliteration of his name. Odds against all of this being on the matrix are about 383,267 to 1. Look at the matrix and see if you can guess why I'm not thrilled about it, despite great odds.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the only ELS of 9 ELUL 5772 (August 26 to August 27, 2012). If the name of the storm was Ernesto (a name used earlier in 2012), a transliteration of that name would be alef resh nun samech tet vav, or I could use the easier to find alef resh nun sin tav vav. But in either case the name is never found at skip +1 in Torah (or for that matter, in all of the Tenach). But ISAAC is a star of Torah. At 101 appearances, his name is no surprise on a matrix this size. In fact, as you can see on the spreadsheet below, it had about 1 chance in 2 to be there. There was only about 1 chance in 173 to find at skip +1 one of two synonyms sought for STORM, but it didn't touch any of the other terms. Ditto forTAMPA and CONVENTION. While I don't assign extra statistical value when terms do touch, for a matrix this large (larger than I normally accept), I like to see such structure. Why? I tend to think that a beautiful matrix, like a beautiful painting, should be aesthetically pleasing. When a great work of (non abstract) art is seen, it's hard to assign a numerical value to the art. People may try to do so when they attach a price to the work, but the price may not recognize a new genius, or reflect an unfortunate reality if the work turns out to be a forgery. I want my statistical values to also be at least somewhat matched by structure that reflects Intelligence, although it must be pointed out that there is no law that says I must know every term that could have been encoded. I may well be missing some terrific ELS, but I can only speak to what I find. The short spelling of ROMNEY at skip +2 added nothing of statistical value. In general, 4-letter words rarely do on a matrix of this size unless they are at a special case skip (+/-1 or the skip of the axis term), or unless they contain one or more relatively rare letters like tet, samech gimel, or zayin.
In this case, the matrix was found while I researched the possibility of a war breaking out between Iran and Israel on the 9th of Elul 5772. The date was, so far as I know, incorrect for that event, but right for the convention delay. Even if the date was correct for the Iran war, for that article I had written the following: if this date does turn out to be the start of a war, we need more accurate predictions to be sure that this was not just a fluke. In trying to determine how valid the Code and our interpretation techniques are, it's important to remember our failures as well as our successes.