On the matrix below the axis term is a transliteration of MORMON ROMNEY. BAIN is at the same skip. Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said that Romney was misrepresenting his Bain Capital tenure, which she suggested could be a felony. OBAMA touches MORMON ROMNEY on the matrix and FELONY is parallel to MORMON ROMNEY and BAIN. Obama is trying to make this a major campaign issue. ISSUE is at skip -4. Obama claims that when at Bain Capital, which Romney ran before he took over running the Olympics in Utah, he went on to outsource U.S. jobs to China and India, thus sending our money there. On the matrix is HE SHALL SEND THE MONEY. All of this is in the 454-letter area with a white background. In the larger area is a transliteration of BOSTON, which has the home office of Bain. When jobs go overseas, wages must be cut here to compete. In the open text is CHANGED MY WAGES TEN TIMES.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRICES. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here MORMON ROMNEY (R-value 0.837) at its only ELS in Torah. BAIN is at the same skip. Odds against BAIN being at a special case skip (+/-1 or the skip of the axis term) in the 454 letters with the white background around MORMON ROMNEY were about 14 to 1. On this part of the matrix, BAIN is actually more significant that OBAMA which appears against odds of just about 2.2 to 1, however it only takes 60 letters to show OBAMA touch MORMON ROMNEY. This close meeting was against odds of about 77 to 1. The two are likely to at least touch each other in reality when they shake hands at the debates in the fall. Returning to the 454-letter analysis, FELONY was on the matrix against odds of just 1.33 to 2, so it was more expected than unexpected with the short 3-letter word used for it. ISSUE was at a non-special case skip against odds of about 2.4 to 1. The phrase HE SHALL SEND THE MONEY was only found a-posteriori in conjunction with the a-prior key word MONEY, which was in the open text against odds of about 5 to 1. The combined odds against the matrix with the white background were about 508 to 1. The full matrix with the blue and white backgrounds is 700 letters in area. In it the phrase CHANGED MY WAGES TEN TIMES was only found a-posteriori, and therefore no statistical significance can be assigned to it, even if it does appear to describe a way (via outsourcing jobs to a third world country) for an employer (Bain Capital) to pay out less in wages. The transliteration of BOSTON is one of three that was checked. It was the easiest spelling to find, being on the 700-letter matrix against odds of about 3.9 to 1. It thus is not worth cheapening the value of the previous a-priori terms discussed just to show this one word. Of note, the skip for BOSTON (-54,402) is identical to that of OBAMA on the full matrix.
POLITICAL ANALYSIS. This section, of course, is not a matter of math. It's just my opinion. It's obvious that I'm not an Obama fan. I'm a Republican living in a Republican home where three of us voted in the Florida Republican Presidential Primary, and none of us chose Romney. I view him as a power hungry CFR politician who will say whatever he needs to in order to get elected. As an American, I get really angry every time that I buy a product and call to have it registered or to ask a question, only to find that the person on the other side of the line is a half world away. So if Bain outsourced American jobs to China or India, and if it happened while Romney had a say in or control of Bain's actions, that's a legitimate issue. HOWEVER, given that Obama's grandmother claimed that she was in the delivery room with Obama when he was born in Mombasa, Kenya, and that Obama's own book (Dreams From My Father) backs this idea on page 304, I'm far more concerned about the outsourcing of one very important job - President of the United States. As such, I must continue to give the most unenthusiastic endorsement of Governor Mitt Romney.