His Bad Heart is Encoded, But There Are Hints of Poisoning too. (5/1/2012)
What caused the death of Andrew Breitbart right after he announced had evidence that would doom the Obama Administration? On the matrix below the axis term is BREITBART is at its third lowest skip. BAD HEART at skip 2 meets BREITBART with just 72 letters needed to put his name with his announced cause of death. However, one of three short 3-letter words for POISON also shares a letter with BREITBART. This poison synonym is at skip -2. All this is emphasized with the blue background. On the wider, 324-letter matrix there is one synonym for POISON at skip -1, and another POISON at the absolute skip of the axis term, though in the opposite direction. Now, I want to be clear, there is no proof here of who might have poisoned him if he was poisoned. Obama was not a close fit. Two names thought of based on Brietbart’s history were former Congressman Anthony Weiner, forced out of office in some measure due to Brietbart’s efforts, and Bill Ayers. There is an ELS of WEINER on the larger matrix. The last word for POISON is, strangely, also a transliteration (though not the best) for A(y)ERS. This word also forms the first three of 4 letters for the Hebrew word for Arsenic (which may have played a role in the immediate death of Breitbart's coroner), but it’s missing a letter nun at the end. A video from the Alex Jones show can be accessed HERE. It makes clear why poisoning is suspected for both Breitbart and his coroner.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here BREITBART at its third lowest skip. By far, the most significant term found was the announced cause of death, BAD HEART. It was in the 72 letters with BREITBART highlighted in blue against odds of about 705 to 1. Anthony WEINER's last name was not statistically significant on the larger matrix. It was more likely to be there than not (it had about 2 chances in 3 to be there). There were, as can be seen on the matrix, many Hebrew synonyms for poison. The one in the 72-letter box with BAD HEART is not evaluated in combined odds with that term in the small matrix only because the two causes of death seem to be, in a sense, at odds with each other - although heart attacks can be sponsored. On the larger matrix, only the form of POISON that is suggestive of Bill A(y)ERS is significant by itself. It was there against odds of about 43 to 1. Bill A(y)ERS had a Superbowl dinner with Breitbart on February 5, 2012. Breitbart died on March 1, 2012. Odds against everything shown on the larger matrix were about 37,445 to 1, with the odds against three forms of poison being on the matrix about 155 to 1. This suggests that the cause of death should be investigated further.