The War Against Iran Has Already Begun (12/9/2011)
The matrix below is a striking example of the potential for garnering military intelligence from the Torah Code. The axis term is IN ISFAHAN at its lowest skip. Although Obama is usually fairly easy to find at some skip, and although the usual spelling has a letter hey at the end, an alef at the end is also a fair transliteration. There is only one ELS in Torah of B. OBAMA at skip -1 or +1, and it is on this matrix at skip -1. So is NETANYAHU at skip +1. USA is at skip -1. IRAN is parallel to the axis term, but at twice the skip of IN ISFAHAN. A short version of the year of the attack, (5)772/2011 shares a letter bet with B. OBAMA. B. OBAMA also shares a letter alef with IRAN. ISRAEL appears in the open text. All of this is a-priori. What was noticed a-posteriori was AN EVIL REPORT OF THE LAND, a phrase touching IN ISFAHAN that would aptly describe the U.N. report saying that Iran is developing nuclear weapons there. News coverage of the attack follows the matrix. The statistical analysis is at the conclusion of this page.
Satellite Images Suggest Something Happened at Iranian Nuclear Facility -- But Was It an Explosion?
By Amy Kellogg
Published December 09, 2011
The first clear pictures of Iran’s nuclear site near Isfahan have been published and analyzed following an explosion at or near the site on Nov. 28, and they provide another piece of the puzzle. But what happened there remains a mystery.
Iran’s uranium conversion facility sits outside Isfahan. It is there that yellowcake is turned into uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6), which is then fed into centrifuges and turned into enriched uranium. The enriched uranium then can be made into fuel for power stations, or it can be highly enriched for a nuclear bomb.
Fox News obtained satellite pictures of the Isfahan nuclear site between Dec. 3 and 5, less than a week after reports of explosions in the area were heard. Analysts at the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), which employs some of the most widely respected experts on Iran’s nuclear sites, scrutinized the images and said there is no evidence of an explosion -- but there wouldn’t be clear evidence several days after an event.
Click here to view the ISIS report.
Iranian officials have issued conflicting comments about the blast, which, if it occurred at the uranium conversion facility, could be very damaging to the nation’s nuclear program.
A report of the explosion was first mentioned in the semi-official Fars News website. Then the report was removed. Then it was finally described as an explosion deriving from a military exercise by Isfahan’s governor, Alireza Zaker-Isfahani.
Israeli sources have suggested that the blast occurred at the nuclear facility; Iran, in turn, has denied that any sort of blast happened there.
But others find Iran’s denials suspicious, given that there have been numerous acts of sabotage against its nuclear and military sites and scientists in the last few years. Just last month, an explosion occurred at a sensitive missile site, killing 20 people, including the father of Iran’s Shahab 3 missile. It is not clear what caused that blast, or whether it was accidental, but many believe it was no coincidence.
ISIS analysts who looked at the images from Isfahan said there had been a dramatic change in the landscape around a tunnel leading down to a storage facility on the periphery of the uranium conversion site. Several structures above that storage facility, which had been there for 15 years and stood intact as recently as August, are gone. There now is evidence of bulldozing around the old structures.
It is not clear what is stored in that facility, which used to be a salt mine, or whether the underground storage was damaged. But Iran has been known to store UF6 underground, ISIS says, so it is possible that converted yellowcake was in that facility. According to ISIS, there is no evidence of an explosion, but there wouldn’t be clear evidence several days after an event.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/12/09/images-iranian-nuclear-facility-provide-intel-into-recent-explosion/#ixzz1g3w8HjpS