A Pioneering Rabbi Teaches About the Torah Code (11/17/2011)
Rabbi Gavriel Levin of the Chabad Yeshiva in Postville, Iowa gave a lecture on the Torah Code. Before doing so, he contacted me and asked me to do at least one matrix on one of his students. I complied, and he was kind enough to both mention me and my research in a lecture (shiur) that he delivered on November 4, 2011. He posted it today (November 17, 2011), discussing my work in the last half of Part 2. Although he didn't request it, I searched for his name in the Code. I found a 9-letter ELS for GAVRIEL LEVIN, but the last name was spelled lamed vav nun. The preferred spelling is lamed vav yud nun, but often a yud or vav is left out of certain Hebrew words or names. On this matrix, at the same skip as his name is THE RABBI. IOWA and YESHIVA are also both on the matrix. There is an ELS of CHABAD, however by my standard protocol I do not include 3-letter terms if each letter is more than three letters from the next letter in the word. Here the diagonal distance is a bit over 4 letters, so it is left off the probability spreadsheet. Combined odds against finding THE RABBI at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) with IOWA and YESHIVA in a 660-letter matrix with GAVRIEL LEVIN were about 101 to 1. The most significant a-prior key term was THE RABBI. Odds against it being at a special case skip just in the 44-letters around GAVRIEL LEVIN were about 231 to 1.