The Latin term Loco Parentis means “in the place of a parent.” It refers to the legal responsibility of a person or organization to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent. In law it allows institutions such as colleges and schools to act in the best interests of the students, as they see fit, although not allowing what would be considered violations of the students' civil liberties. The coaches at Penn State University, especially Coach Sandusky, were in loco parentis when he sexually abused at least eight boys, as young as ten years old, in the school’s shower. But what he did, and what other coaches and the university president in keeping it from the police, was just plain loco in the Spanish sense of the term, insane. On the matrix below, the axis term is SANDUSKY. The first phrase of interest crossing his name in the open text is PUT PLEASE YOUR HAND UNDER MY THIGH, which in part describes what he asked the boys under his care to do. The second verse of concern crossing his name is NAKEDNESS OF YOUR FATHER …DO NOT UNCOVER. A word for COACH appears at an ELS.
The phrase from Genesis 47:29, PUT PLEASE YOUR HAND UNDER MY THIGH, refers to how some solemn oaths were taken in ancient Biblical times. In this case it was how Jacob requested Joseph to bury him in Canann (Israel). Earlier, in Genesis 24:3, Abraham used the same symbolism to request his servant (Eliezer) to find a wife for Isaac that was not from Canaan, but rather from back in the land of his kindred (present day Iraq). The area that was touched was considered sacred because the sign (circumcision) of the Covenant with God was there.
Obviously, for Coach Sandusky (who is not Jewish), there was no covenant beyond that with Penn State, and even that he violated. Sandusky was a father image to his players, so the commandment from Leviticus 18:7, NAKEDNESS OF YOUR FATHER …DO NOT UNCOVER, again has obvious significance when it passes through his name as it does here. While I am tempted to post a statistical significance for this matrix (based on the second lowest ELS of SANDUSKY in wrapped Torah), I will not because the only a-priori key word on the matrix is COACH. There were a number of phrases or terms that I sought that were not there, like Sodom and Gomorrah, and the prohibition against homosexual behavior found in Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13. The latter two verses require a death sentence for one who commits acts like those of Sandusky. That I did not guess the terms that would be encoded with Sandusky does not mean that the matrix is insignificant or a fluke. It just means that due to my standard experimental protocol, I choose not to assign a statistical significance to what this particular matrix reveals.
There is another reason that I would urge caution with respect to this matrix. Not only are there likely to be thousands of people with this last name in the United States, but there are even three cities (in Ohio, New York, and Michigan) that bear the same name. This matrix is based on the second lowest ELS, not the lowest one. As is explained on my page about Talmud and Names, terrible fates running through a name are analogous to having bad genes. Consider, if you will, the cases of murderers who have murderers up their family trees. There are many of them. But having fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers who were criminal does not mean that their descendants must be criminals too. There is free will, and people can overcome bad genes (as with modern Australians who trace their ancestry to prisoners brought there from England). People can learn from mistakes made by their ancestors, however, we aren't shocked when they don't. So it may be with the Codes. It seems possible that a bad ELS location may imply a tendency to have something negative happen, while a positive environment in the Torah text may be a blessing. Therefore, parents should check the ELS location before settling on a name. However, it is more than possible that some names they might choose have no ELS - especially when the names are (a) very long, or (b) contain hard to find letters like zayin (Z), tet instead of tav for T, or samech instead of shin for S. One last word on this topic - I do not accept money to search for anything in the Codes. For those who want to perform their own searches to check for names, I recommend the software that I use - CodeFinder.