Two relatively small matrices include the word for PRESIDENT at skip +1, and axis terms with the unusually long 10-letter ELS for IMPEACHMENT OBAMA. The matrix based on the lowest skip (78,897 letters) has TRUMP, the man who tried to get Obama impeached earlier in 2011, at the same absolute skip as IMPEACHMENT OBAMA. The second matrix with IMPEACHMENT OBAMA at skip -127,811 has KENYA on the matrix. Trump has made much of the possibility that Obama was born there (and therefore should be impeached based on falsified birth documents). Both matrices are based on finding the axis term in wrapped Torah (requiring more than one computer pass through the Torah’s 304,805 letter to locate). Note: on the matrix based on IMPEACHMENT OBAMA at skip -127,811, when the search area is expanded to 252 letters (see the area with the yellow background) PERRY at skip +1 is seen touching TRUMP. Rick PERRY had dinner with Donald TRUMP today.
MEANING OF THE MATRICES. Whenever we look at a published matrix we must remember that we are seeing only what was thought of ahead of time (a-priori) while the matrix was being sought, or what was noticed, perhaps accidentally (a-posteriori) after the axis term and/or a-priori key words were found. However, there may be key words on the matrix that were simply not sought, or noticed. Or, there may be matrix sets that must be examined together to attain the true meaning of the matches.
With respect to these two matrices we may be seeing something so important that it merited two matrices - perhaps one to describe the efforts made by Donald Trump in early 2011, and another to let us know that the effort to impeach Obama based on a Kenyan birthplace still has legs. This would be analogous to Joseph telling Pharaoh in Genesis 41:26 that Pharaoh's two dreams (one with 7 healthy, fat cows being eaten by 7 skinny cows, and another with 7 healthy grain heads being eaten by 7 parched grain heads) were the same.
Even today, as I shopped for Groceries, I noticed the Globe magazine tabloid that had a cover story about an attempt to impeach Obama based on his use of a faked, photo-shopped birth certificate. The tabloid is shown under the matrix spreadsheets below. Donald Trump has indicated he still may run for president. If he does so, he must follow through on his initial efforts to prove his case against Obama. If he can't do that, he'll simply be seen as a fool.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRICES. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term (IMPEACHMENT OBAMA) even though it is long enough that it has a slightly positive R value in each matrix (0.26 for the matrix with TRUMP and 0.05 for the matrix with KENYA). There was about 1 chance in 28 for PRESIDENT at skip +1 to be present on the TRUMP matrix and about 1 chance in 27 for it to be there on the KENYA matrix. TRUMP had about 1 chance in 24 to be on the 162-lettter with IMPEACHMENT OBAMA. KENYA had about 1 chance in 15 to be on the 168-lettter with IMPEACHMENT OBAMA. The estimated p values of the two matrices were as follows: For the TRUMP matrix about 0.00148 (1 chance in 676) and for the KENYA matrix about 0.0049 (about 1 chance in 202). Because the KENYA matrix was based on the second lowest ELS of IMPEACHMENT OBAMA, it was necessary to divide the initial combined significance by 2. Note: the values given do not include adjustments for key words sought, but not found. In the case of the matrix shown with TRUMP the word for KENYA (at skip 78,896) could have been shown, but it would have required an expansion of the matrix from 162 letters to 1,224 letters. By my protocol, that would have devalued the key wordsTRUMP and PRESIDENT.
THE ISSUE OF PERRY. If the calculation were based on the yellow background for the matrix with TRUMP on it now (252-letter area) there would have been about 1 chance in 10 to find PERRY at skip +1, but it would devalued TRUMP and PRESIDENT. However, perhaps TRUMP has some evidence about OBAMA to give to PERRY for right price (perhaps a shot of the vice presidential spot on the 2012 ticket). As for TRUMP and PERRY (at skip +1) being so close to each other (in the 15-letter box shown in orange), odds against the meeting were about 163 to 1.
THE ISSUE OF THE SOLYNDRA LOAN. Attempts to impeach Obama based on his birthplace are generally perceived as racist by many. However, there might be a better shot at impeaching him based on an emerging scandal with respect to the 528-million dollar Solydra loan. One of the players behind Solyndra is the same bank that financed Auschwitz and the nearby I.G. Farben facilities. See the Torah Codes matrix on the bank here. The bank just linked to is related to Solyndra in the last paragraph here. The same bank was named in a 14.2 billion dollar law suit due to mortgage fraud problems. It has also been indicted in South Korea for market manipulation.