NOT GUILTY - With the defense claim of a drowning encoded.
The Torah Codes cannot be used to proclaim guilt or innocence. But they may give a glimpse of at least part of the truth. On the matrix below the axis term is the only transliteration of CASEY ANTHONY that I could find. It is shown at its minimum ELS. In the open text in the small 143-letter matrix is GREAT SIN. However this term was only found a posteriori, so any proclamation about its statistical significance is unwarranted. During the trial of Casey Anthony for the murder of her daughter (Caylee Anthony), the defense claimed that in fact Caylee was never missing, but that the girl drowned in their swimming pool. While this story may have been picked up and used by Casey after hearing an almost identical story in jail, this matrix has the word DROWNED (composed of two sequential words joined) skip +1. If the story is not concocted, the mother’s great sin may have been negligence and perjury. In the end, the jury did find her guilty of perjury, a misdemeaner. In the United States, to find a person guilty of murder there must be no reasonable doubt. Obviously, the prosecution could not overcome the word encoded in Torah - DROWNED. In Torah Law the burdon is even greater for the prosecution. A person can only be found guilty by the word of two eye witnesses to the crime. Here there were none.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. In accordance with my standard protocol, no significance is ever assigned to the axis term, here CASEY ANTHONY at its minimum ELS. As stated above, GREAT SIN was only found a posteriori, so any proclamation about its statistical significance is unwarranted. Using my CodeFinder dictionary, I searched at skip +1 for drown, drowned and drowning. I only found DROWNED at skip +1 once. The odds against having this word in a 143-letter matrix were about 2,132 to 1. As such, the matrix is highly significant. Indeed, the 143 letters is only necessary if we include GREAT SIN. To just show CASEY ANTHONY and DROWNED requires just 77 letters. Odds against a match this good were 3,959 to 1.