Foolishness, but like Governor Schwarzenegger, he may be back
On the matrix below the axis term is a transliteration for TONY WEINER. TONY is a short form for Anthony. In a story this week that was humorous for everyone for everyone except New York’s Congressman Weiner (and his family), he was forced to admit that he had indeed tweeted lewd photos of himself to a number of women. Since he is a politician, he could have pointed to how much former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had his career improve after appearing naked in Terminator 2 in his bad to the bone bar scene. But, no, Arnold is going through a $500,000,000 divorce now for fathering a love child with his maid. Arnold did not cry, but as the matrix shows, CRYING is associated with Weiner although it takes 408 letters to show it in the big Weiner matrix. Better is to just look at the small Weiner matrix with just 143 letters. The key words it includes are NAKED, FOOLISH, and ADULTERER. When New York’s Governor Spitzer was forced from office for using prostitutes while married, he went on to a career as a CNN TV host. Perhaps Weiner will have a career as a comedian one day. It is not yet clear if any of Weiner's tweets actually led to full scale adultery, but see WEINER'S WIFE to learn about the encoding of his Moslem wife's name (Huma Abedin). His resignation is also encoded.
POLITICAL FUTURE? TONY WEINER is crossed in the open text by PRESIDENT. The occurs against odds of about 62 to 1. Note that Newt Gingrich is making a bid for President despite his affair while he was impeaching President Clinton, and of course Clinton himself is an excellent example of how forgiving the American electorate can be when it comes to infidelity. This match, which requires 36 letterrs to show, is not included in the spreadsheet below.