Walter Keith York - the Torah Codes Snoopy
In Memory of Walt - Pioneer Torah Codes Researcher
On the left: Walt. The right: Barry S. Roffman. Walt's boat is in the background.
I contacted Kevin soon after acquiring his software. Kevin informed me about another genius in the U.S., one who was finding long ELSs, strings of letters 40, 50, maybe 100 letters long in the Code, all with great meaning. The man to turn to was Walt. And so, with the expectation of meeting someone akin to a Hebrew Einstein, I contacted Walt. There was, at first, just a small problem. My Hebrew wasn’t terrific, and Walt’s seemed so far beyond me that I felt humbled to hear him speak on the phone. Sometimes, when I couldn’t recognize a Hebrew term, he would warn me that I would never succeed unless I also acquired Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary. At other times he would admonish me for not knowing the difference between Modern Hebrew and Biblical Hebrew. How could I, if I didn’t have Strong's?
Sea Stories by a Possible Abductee
There are three strange stories about possible aliens and Walt.
Ask any Navy man what’s the difference between a fairy tail and a sea story, and you’ll hear, “A fairy tail begins with, “Once upon a time,” a sea story begins with, “This ain’t no bull.” Walt had two alien-type sea stories. Both are related to the boat that was behind me in the photo at the top of this page.
The first story is simple enough. Walt was sailing his boat back from Freeport, Bahamas to Vero Beach, Florida one night. Suddenly he noticed a strange bright light. The problem was that it was coming from below the surface of the ocean. It followed him for about 20 miles. Florescent fish or plankton? That was what I suspected, until he told me the part about it taking off and moving from his starboard side, to ahead at a speed he estimated to be 100 knots. Nothing terrestrial moves that fast. Such an object is referred to as a USO, an Unidentified Submerged Object.
The second story involves a time he was moored at night just off Beaufort, North Carolina. It was late at night. Walt was asleep, with a girlfriend aboard. Suddenly a great light bathed the cabin, waking him. He didn't bother to wake his partner, but instead grabbed his cigarettes and headed topside to see what was going on. What he claims to gave seen was a set of five or six small glowing balls that were moving close enough to the boat for him to feel wind on his face that was generated by them. He said he sat down to watch them for about half an hour. They most resembled one of the objects portrayed in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the last of three objects that were flying a few feet above the road where there were multiple witnesses just after the star (Richard Dryfuss) had his car stall by the railroad tracks.
I asked him if he woke his friend to view the spectacle. He claims he tried, but was unable to rouse her. I then wanted to know how the incident ended. He said he couldn't recall. He doesn't remember the objects flying off simultanously, whether they went straight up, or just further away. In essence, he had missing time that night. The next day when he awoke he suspected it might have been a dream. But when he went up topside, there was the chair he had set out the night before to view the incident, and his spent cigarette butts. There was enough to indicate that he'd been topside for quite a while during the night, but he could neither remember how the encounter ended, nor how he got back into his bed.
The final incident is described on page 119 of my Ark Code book. The background of the story relates to a retired top NASA official (first name - Stan, now also deceased) that I met on December 24, 1997. Stan confided to some family members and to me that in 1964 he had (as part of his job) been shown an alien spacecraft. He didn't indicate if it was the Roswell craft, or another. He also claimed there was ongoing contact between our government and them.
I asked Stan if they were friendly, or hostile. He replied, “You don’t know what your neighbor is thinking.” In 2001, I conducted an experiment that yielded some support for Stan’s assertion. I sent an e-mail to several Codes associates. It described Stan’s claims without using his name, and it related the tale to Internet stories about a link to the Kennedy assassinations, as well as a purported alien base underground near Dulce, New Mexico. The hypothesis was that if any of these allegations were based on fact, one of two things would happen. My phone would be tapped, or my computer would be hacked.
Within a few hours there was indeed an attempt to hack into computers involved in the experiment. We all had Zone Alarm software, and we all got the same alert. This was the first time the alarm ever went off on my computer. It also sounded like someone was listening in on my phone, but for Walt the incident was more serious. Normally Walt was a really funny guy, but on that night he was furious about my experiment. Why? Within a few minutes of receiving my e-mail, his wife got an anonymous call. She was told, “You are in the house across the street from the green and white house.” The caller then hung up, but the implication seemed clear enough. We know where you live and we can get you whenever we choose. Back off!
The Zone alarm allowed me to come up with an IP address for the hacker. A friend in the Intelligence Community ran a check on it. It was a government address.
For the record, Walt wrote a fictional book based on the Torah Codes entitled Nephilim: The Fallen Ones. Although its Christian theme was far from anything that I could agree with, because he was my friend, I actually helped edit it for him. One word that appeared on every page before the editing was winced . I got most of them out, but I winced when I heard of his untimely passing on April 4, 2008. He was central to setting up a Torah Codes group known as the Snoop Group. We all learned a lot from him. We 'll all miss him greatly.