Armstrong's encoding for a moon landing is as clear as any story run in the press in 1969. (8/26/2012)
If you look for Neil Armstrong in the Torah Code with the 9-letter Hebrew spelling for his last name as given in Wikipedia and you’ll find he’ s not there. Could God have overlooked the first man to walk on the moon? No. I’m pleased to report that he is indeed encoded in glorious fashion, but to find him you must follow two rules. Rule 1: Names are almost always limited to transliterations that are 8 letters in length. Wikipedia’s 9 letters (alef resh mem SAMECH TET resh vav nun gimel) are one letter too much. The vav is unnecessary. Rule 2: It’s much easier to find SHIN/SIN as an S letter than SAMECH, and also much easier to find TAV as a T letter than TET. Although Modern names are often transliterated with the harder to find letters, the Code is based more on the higher frequency letters. With a transliteration of alef resh mem SIN TAV resh nun gimel for ARMSTRONG, we find Deuteronomy 4:19 (YOU SEE THE SUN AND THE MOON) on the line above his name, Deuteronomy 33:29 (YOU SHALL TREAD UPON THEIR HIGH PLACES) on the next line (and he certainly tread on the high place of the moon) and Genesis 31:46 (GATHER STONES) on the next line down. Those stones he gathered are treasures in museums and research facilities today.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the lowest ELS in (wrapped) Torah for ARMSTRONG. The primary key word was THE MOON. There were two words sought, a 3-letter term pronounced yarayach and a 4-letter term pronounced levanah. Originally I found the 4-letter term at skip +1, but when I looked at the translation the term was not the moon. Often a word at skip +1 is really two unrelated words that are combined. However on the matrix what is shown as the moon (yarayach) is indeed THE MOON in the translation. There are just 4 time in Torah that this term is used in reference to the moon. As such, the odds against it being on the 432-letter matrix with ARMSTRONG were about 176 to 1. One reason that Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon was to gather stones and rocks. GATHER STONES is on the matrix in the open text. The odds just against STONES being on the matrix at skip +1 were about 18 to 1. Obviously, the command to GATHER STONES is more impressive than just the mention of stones. But STONES was found a-priori while GATHER was only found a-posteriori. Finally there is the issue of the phrase YOU SHALL TREAD UPON THEIR HIGH PLACES. Although the famous photo of a footprint on the moon was Aldrin's footprint, the first man to tread on that high place was Armstrong. The odds against having TREAD at skip +1 were about 101 to 1. The odds against having TREAD UPON THEIR HIGH PLACES on the matrix were about 706 to 1. Overall, depending on whether we don't count HIGH PLACES or we do count it, the matrix exists against odds of somewhere between 325,111 to 1 and 2,266,133 to 1. The matrix makes it clear that the Code's Author knew Armstrong would one day tread on the moon and gather stones there. But it does not address why Neil Armstrong largely withdrew from public appearances after his two and a half hours on the moon.
WHAT'S MISSING ON THE MATRIX AND IN ARMSTRONG'S LIFE. When Buzz Aldrin came back from the moon, he was quite clear about his belief that Earth has been visited by alien life, and he has even gone so far as to indicate his belief that there is a monolith on the Martian moon Phobos. But Armstrong has largely been silent on such issues, even though Apollo 11 apparently saw some type of UFO on the way to the moon. Lunar Astronaut Edgar Mitchell freely discusses his conviction that the Roswell UFO crash was real. I also have reason to belief that James Irwin had an alien encounter on his flight to the moon, but I'm not yet at liberty to discuss the details of that experience.