At least in this case, it looks like there was military intelligence info in the Codes waiting to be exploited.
Can the Torah Codes be used for military intelligence purposes? That’s an issue that that I discussed on the History Channel’s show, Bible Code II, Apocalypse and Beyond, back in 2004 (see the segment between 24:49 and 25:15 into the video). As I stated then, at times I would see threats and targets, but not with an exact date. In the matrix above I just sought whether there was an association of PAKISTAN with BIN LADEN. The name BIN LADEN only occurs once in Torah at skip +1, the best case scenario. PAKISTAN at its minimum (most significant) skip is found with BIN LADEN in a 702-letter matrix.. Also on the matrix, but not shown on the matrix, is PERMISSION at skip -1 and NAVY. PERMISSION was sought to see if there was anything on the matrix that might indicate that Pakistan gave permission for Bin Laden to be there, so close to its military academy. NAVY was sought because the U.S. Navy killed Bin Laden.