This page is being updated on 8/23/2011
The lowest ELS OF DEATH KADHAFI has an ELS of LIBYA share a letter with it. Nearby are the phrases SHALL HE THAT IS TO DIE BE PUT TO DEATH and THAT DOES THAT WHICH IS EVIL. An ELS is also seen for TERRORIST. Kadhafi was behind the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 which killed 270 people on December 21, 1988. In an act of nearly matching evil, the Scottish authorized the release of the bomber from prison. He is shown a free man meeting with Kadhafi. The matrx seems to suggest that the current revolution in Libya will eventually end with Kadhafi's execution, but no date is given. On March 17, 2011, the U.N. voted to enforce a no fly zone and to do whatever else was needed to protect the Libyans. On April 30, 2011 a story appeared about a NATO air strike that killed Kadhafi's son (Seif Al Arab Kadhafi) and three grandchildren. Supposedly the dictator was also in the house when it was leveled. Today, August 23, 2011, rebel forces control the capital. One looter of his compound was even wearing Kadhafi's hat as a souvenir of the conquest. Kadhafi's location is unknown, but he swore to fight to the death. He may be about to get his wish, a wish that seems to be encoded in Torah.
In addition to retaining the axis term DEATH OF KADAFI, the expanded matrix (with 760 characters) below has the name of Kadafi’s opposition: JALIL parallel to his name. Running through the first letter of JALIL is MEN WHICH HAVE A QUARREL. The second letter of JALIL has a verse dealing with manslaughter running through it. At the third letter is BECAUSE OF THESE ABOMINATIONS THE LORD YOUR GOD IS DRIVING THEM OUT BEFORE YOU. At the 4th letter of JALIL is WHEN HE SITS ON THE THRONE. At the last (5th letter) of JALIL is ON THE WORD OF TWO WITNESSES OR THREE WITNESSES HE THAT IS TO DIE SHALL BE PUT TO DEATH. The matrix also has the a priori terms LIBYA, TERRORIST, and MURDERER.