On February 22, 2011, Iran sent two of its warships through the Suez Canal en route to Syria. Some feared the passage would trigger a war. It would be the first time that Iran sent warships through the canal since its Islamic revolution in 1979. Israel said it would not continue to accept such provocations. On the matrix below, the only ELS of SUEZ CANAL touches EGYPT. ISRAEL is in the open text, as is GO OUT TO WAR. One of two possible spellings of IRAN is on the matrix at an ELS. There have already been 4 wars between Israel and Egypt which have seen involvement with the Suez Canal. In the open text is SURELY YE SHALL NOT COME INTO THE LAND. That turned out to be not the operative phrase, but perhaps GO OUT TO WAR is the eventual outcome. The ultimate destination of the Iranian ships, SYRIA, is on the matrix at the same absolute skip as SUEZ CANAL, though in the opposite direction. Did Iran succeed in getting through due to the weakness of Predident Obama? The usual Hebrew spelling of Obama is alef vav bet mem hey. That is not on the matrix, but an alternate transliteration of his name with the last letter an alef is there. A Fox News story and statistical studies follow the matrix.
Official: Iranian Warships Cancel Plan to Pass Through Suez Canal (Note: the Fox headline turned out to be wrong. The two ships passed through in the canal on February 22, 2011. Part of the Fox story is repeated below.)
Published February 17, 2011
Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that "Israel cannot ignore these provocations," according to ynetnews.com.
"Unfortunately, the international community is not ready to deal with Iran's repeated provocations," Lieberman said, according to the Jerusalem Post.
Lieberman added that the warships were "a provocation that proves Iran's nerve and self-esteem is growing from day to day."
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in an e-mailed statement that "Israel is closely following the movements of the Iranian ships and has updated friendly states on the issue. Israel will continue to follow the ships movements."
Meanwhile, Iran announced plans to deploy warships near Israel and dock at a Syrian port for a year, IsraelNationalNews.com reported Wednesday.
A senior Israeli official told the site that "Israel will know how to deal with it."
Intelligence officials believed that the Iranian warships might have been involved in supplying radical Islamic groups in Yemen with weapons, according to UPI.com. In Washington, the Pentagon declined to comment.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. The Torah’s only ELS of SUEZ CANAL is the axis term. I never assign statistical significance to an axis term. There was no date on the matrix, so what is on the matrix? WAR was an a priori term. I would have accepted the two synonyms used on the CodeFinder Dictionary, or the open text phrase found, GO OUT TO WAR. There was about 1 chance in 16 for a hit on one of these terms in the open text. After these terms, the names of the nations except SYRIA are not significant on the full matrix. There was about 1 chance in 2 for ISRAEL to be there in the open text, about 1 in 3 for EGYPT in the open text, and an almost certainty that either the 4 or 5-letter spellings for IRAN would be there at some ELS. As for OBAMA, there was about 1 chance in 5 that one of the two spellings checked for him would be on the matrix. The chance that SYRIA would be there (two spellings checked - the word used here is actually the Biblical name, ASSYRIA) at a special case skip (+1, -1, or the absolute skip of the axis term) was about 1 in 29. That makes it the most significant term on the matrix. So, if we remove the phrase SURELY YOU SHALL NOT COME INTO THE LAND, then there was about 1 chance in 19,212 to find the matrix. The phrase GO OUT TO WAR is of concern because the cargo ship may deliver missiles to Syria.