Updated 1/12/2011
On the Jewish Sabbath at about 10:10 AM on January 8, 2011, Jewish Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head. Six people were killed and 19 were wounded. While it appears that the motive of the gunman (or gunmen) was related to her support of the Health Care bill last year, and to anger over the Federal Government’s frequent violation of the Constitution, had Giffords been observing the Sabbath in accordance with Jewish Law, she would not have been at the rally on Saturday, and the shooting would not have occurred (at least then). This is mentioned here because on the matrix, going through GIFFORDS is the commandment WORK DO NOT DO, IT IS A DAY OF REST (SABBATH) TO THE LORD IN ALL YOUR DWELLINGS (Leviticus 23:3). While never carried out in modern times, the Torah’s punishment for a Jew who violates the Sabbath is death – see Numbers 15:32-36 below.
While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. And the LORD said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the LORD commanded Moses.
Note that the execution above took place over 3,300 year ago. Two words for SHOT appear on the matrix. The wordsTO THE HEAD (where she was shot) go through her name. The year of the shooting (5771/2011) is also there at skip -5.
While the shooting was plainly insane, Jewish theology dictates that the safety of the world depends upon the observance of Torah by Jews. This is based on Jeremiah 33:25 which states, "Were it not for the fact that My covenant is observed day and night, I would not have set the rules of heaven and earth." In other words, it is our observing the covenant, the Torah, that keeps the world in existence. Those Jews who are fortunate enough to be blessed with leadership positions should set the example by following the laws of Torah.
There are two great tragedies with this shooting. The obvious one is all the unnecessary carnage. The other problem is that it will be used by the Left as an excuse to try to limit free speech. By the night of the shooting, Keith Oblermann of MSNBC was already (unfairly) attacking Fox News personnel Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly over it. Both of the Fox News commentators have often spoken up against violence.
Sarah Palin's chances for the nomination in 2012 were also hurt by this shooting as she had the shot congresswoman in gun crosshairs on the Palin web site. While I had friendly things to write about her campaign in 2008, her web site and judgement since that time have often been a problem. However, in fairness to Palin it must be pointed out that Nancy Pelosi was not on the hit list. This makes it apparent that the list was simply for a list of Congressional Districts that Palin thought were winnable.
Pelosi came from such a strong base in the largely homosexual San Francisco District that Palin must have considered it an unattainable political goal. However, the shooter was clearly a nut job who probably could not understand such a distinction, and sadly there are too many lunatics like him running around. This is why caution is required. Along these lines, while I linked the shooting above with the violation of the Sabbath, let me be clear. No Jew or non-Jew is given permission by the Torah to execute a Jew for Sabbath violation. The decision to execute the man picking up sticks was made directly by the LORD (see Numbers 15:35).
There is some tradition in Judaism that the man found guilty knew the consequences of his actions. In THE MIDRASH SAYS for the Book of Bamidbar (Numbers) by Rabbi Moshe Weissman (Benei Yacov Publications) we read:
"When HaShem (G-d) decreed that the Generation of the Wilderness would not enter the Land (Israel), a man reasoned, "The men of this generation who know that they will never reach Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel) may now begin to treat the mitzvos (Commandments) lightly. They may think that mitzvos need not be taken seriously outside the Holy land. I will descecrate the Shabbas (Sabbath), in order to demonstrate the grave consequences of my sin."
He therefore violated the Shabbas Laws leshaim shamayim (for the sake of heaven), so that his punishment would serve as a warning to BNai Yisrael (the children of Israel)." Not all Midrashic views agree. Sifri thinks this occured earlier than indicated in Torah, in the first year in the wilderness, on the second Sabbath spent there. Whatever the case, both the warning and the two witnesses were required.