Thousands of years before President bush knew he had a drinking problem, it was already foretold in Torah.
At the second lowest ELS of PRESIDENT BUSH (skip -504), in a tiny 55-letter matrix, we find the word BEER at the same skip as his name, and the phase AND THEY DRANK in the open text crossing and sharing a letter with PRESIDENT BUSH. This was found right after I heard President Bush on a TV interview about how severe his alcoholic problem was before he finally got it under control. Chapter 1 of his soon to be released memoirs will detail his drinking problems.
The President did not want to call himself an alcoholic, but he went on to leave no doubt that he was one until the of 40. On this matrix, the phrase AND THEY DRANK is from Genesis 43:34. It reads and they drank and were merry with him.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE: I would have settled for one of two Hebrew words for BEER. One was on the matrix at the same skip as PRESIDENT BUSH. That is a special case skip, so I looked for the frequency of it and the other word for beer at skips +1, -1, N (here -504), and –N (here 504). Each of the two words came up 15 time in a search for the terms at special case skips. There was about 1 chance in 92 for a match this good in a 55-letter matrix. However, it only required 22 letters to show BEER and PRESIDENT BUSH, too small a matrix to consider the words at skips 1 or -1. The odds for the two terms to be so close were about 1 chance in 301.
I also wanted reference to drinking alcohol in the open text. The phrase that came up occurs twice in the Torah. It is rare to find such a quality match in a matrix that is only 55 letters. The total p value was set at 3.86 X 10-6 which equates to one chance in 256,679 The matrix is thus rated as being highly significant. I’m not sure how the first President Bush handled his liquor.