BIBLE CODE II - Apocalypse and Beyond (History Channel)
Updated 1/12/2012
Since April, 2004, the History Channel has broadcast this show (with me on it) about once every two months. Working links to the show seem to change from time to time due to new copyright laws. Please e-mail me (at ArkHunt@Juno.Com) to let me know when they change them. As of January 12, 2012 the following links work:
Part 1 is at
Part 2 is at
Part 3 is at
Part 4 is at At 3:06 seconds into Part 4 I discuss my use of the Code to search for the Ark of the Covenant.
Part 5 is found at
THE ARK-RELATED PORTION OF MY INTERVIEW IS AT 3:06 to 5:33 of Part 4. Sadly, while the show has me point out coordinates given by the Code (31 degrees 9 minutes North, 33 degrees 4 minutes East on the El Zuqba [Bardawil] Peninsula in the northern Sinai of Egypt), it left out WHY I think the Ark is there. ELS maps published on this web site and in my Ark Code book are WHY. Without them, the position is meaningless other than the fact that it is most likely where a Pillar of Fire blocked the Egyptian army from the Israelites just before the sea was split. Note: The native Bedouins of the area also believe this is the area where Moses split the sea.
From 2:59 to 3:50 of Part 3 I discuss ideas about who wrote the Code. My belief is that it's God. Drosnin's book forwarded the idea of alien's or a time traveller from the future. However, the remarks that I originally made about finding enough personal names should be updated with the information that I posted at Talmud & Names. Not everyone will find their name in the Code.
There is a general limit of 8 to 9 letters that can be found at an ELS in an a priori way. However, where names are found, they often seem to match fates. In a discussion of names and prophecy, the Talmud (Gemara for Berachos 7b) indicates that God inspires parents to select a name that has significance unbeknown to the parent. Many years later, the aptness of the name becomes apparent to all. I now believe that the location of a name in a text can serve like genes. Genes from an honest genius are preferable to genes from a moronic criminal, but sometimes people overcome their genes. Likewise, in order to preserve free will, God allows us to overcome negative encoding.
At 7:27 to 7:53 of Part 3 I discuss potential military applications of the Code.
From 3:42 to 3:57 of Part 4 I cover the potential use of the Codes as a way to prevent or mitigate the effects of disaster. I return at 4:12 to 4:23 of Part 4 to discuss using the Code to warn of an inbound comet or to help in searching for a cure to cancer.